An anniversary of sorts

Jul 22, 2016 10:29

The vast majority of fandoms that have taken sufficient root in my imagination to inspire fic have always been small ones. Couple that with the near-complete lack of any romantic pairing tags, let alone popular ones, and I've always been content with archive stats that would drive many fic authors of my acquaintance to despair. So the response to my recent small Star Wars offerings has been a novel experience, particularly when the one inspired by the Rebels season finale (and seriously, the LAST character I ever expected to start talking to me was Darth frelling Vader) started racking up views, kudos, and comments.

This resulted in glancing back through my Works list on AO3, just to boggle at how different the numbers are. Which resulted recently in my realizing that one of my offerings in the very first FKFicFest took place on a specific date exactly one hundred years ago today.

That happened somewhat by chance, in the course of my looking for a historical touchstone for placing Nick, LaCroix, and Janette in San Francisco in 1916, as specified by the "Cherry Blossoms" script directions. It turned out that, on July 22 of that year, the city held a "Preparedness Day" parade in the run up to the U.S. entering World War I. It remains unknown who planted the bomb that killed 10 and injured 40 during that parade.

In my "July 22, 1916," this event is a backdrop to Nick's personal turmoil. Still, it seems only appropriate to repost the link today, on the anniversary of something that, particularly in light of some of the more frightening aspects of our world today, ought to be better known.

fanfic, history, forever knight

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