Street date July 20. Via The Beautiful Necessity, which is also a blog you should totally be reading if you're interested in the Pre-Raphaelite and/or Arts & Crafts movements, or just in things that are lush and pretty.
Thanks so much for that link! I have seen Desperate Romantics, and was able to love it largely due to my handwavy knowledge of the PRB. Since then, I've been reading :-)
I've been reading (and collecting books) on the topic longer than most of that cast has known how to read. *wry g* Didn't lessen my enjoyment a whit.
But then, I've never been one to sweat the ahistoricity of "historical" drama. Life's way too short.
My posts commenting on it are rather obviously from that knowledge base, though, in the sense of being about 85% "Huh, interesting that they chose to fit that anecdote into their story that way" sort of thing.
Thanks for the news! I've added it to my Amazon wishlist instead of pre-ordering, because I'm being frugal, but we shall see what the world looks like come the actual release in July. :-)
Comments 5
But then, I've never been one to sweat the ahistoricity of "historical" drama. Life's way too short.
My posts commenting on it are rather obviously from that knowledge base, though, in the sense of being about 85% "Huh, interesting that they chose to fit that anecdote into their story that way" sort of thing.
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