People unclear on the concept

Jan 25, 2008 16:24

Okay, so on Fandom Wank (yes, I still skim it occasionally, despite its being primarily a morass of petty pointlessness), there's a post about some wankfest erupting from a post by some guy who was all indignant about seeing the actor playing Flotsam in The Little Mermaid on Broadway sitting outside the stage door in partial costume, smoking.

The wankfest is perfectly understandable, because the OP is all "ZOMG THINK OF THE CHILDREN!!!111!!" and has of course set off the standard smoking-debate hobbyhorses.

However, not a single person in two pages of FW comments makes what I immediately keyed in on as the relevant point: Anyone caught smoking in costume should be summarily shot.

Sadly, that's neither legal nor feasible. But generally speaking, they'll WISH they had been when the wardrobe mistress gets through with them...

costuming, broadway, silly humans

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