Actually, it's not as bad as all that, at least anywhere I've immediately dealt with.
Last night's performance was cancelled, not because the theatre specifically needed to be closed, but because the other girl in my one-act was leery of driving in from the 'burb next to where the funnel cloud was spotted yesterday. Can't imagine why that would be. I was more relieved than anything (although I had been looking forward to seeing
iingaartist! *pout*), both not to have to go into the city and not to be the cause of its cancellation myself (since the best case scenario had me arriving about 45 minutes after scheduled curtain).
Of course, I found this out when I called in from I-294, where I had been merrily creeping along at a top speed of 10 mph for a Very Long Time. (For the locals -- from the 294/290/88 mega-interchange aaaaaalllll the way up to I-90, and it looked to be the same as far as north as I could see when I exited.) Through sheets and sheets of rain, and an extremely impressive 360-degree lightshow. The ginormous lightning bolt splitting the sky from beyond the scope of my windshield to the horizon, simultaneously with a similar one directly behind me that was reflected clearly in the back of the silver van I was following, was particularly impressive.
It's not my normal route home, but if it were it would normally take just slightly longer than my usual one-hour commute. Last night took two and a half.
This morning, since we are currently a one-car household, I got to get up at 4:20 am to get
brainiacfive into the heart of downtown Chicago by 6:30. I was...less than sanguine about the radio reports indicating that the majority of Villa Park (home of Office of Doom) was without power, and extremely relieved to see lights on when I arrived. Getting up at that hour and then not even being able to work would have been...actually, I'm not sure I have a word for what that would have been.
As for home, the house has been there for a hundred years for a reason. We're one of the higher points in the neighborhood, and on pretty high ground (thank goodness) relative to the river six blocks away, which happens to be
the same one flooding BigBabyBrother's neck of the woods upstream. (He and Fiancée had some wet basement issues, but are otherwise fine.) So far, so good.