Mar 26, 2006 23:17
Mr. Journal, have you ever had those thoughts where you're the one always wishing other people to be happy, but never think you yourself will be the happy one? Maybe I'm jumping ahead of myself here. I mean, I am only 22. I've got a quite a few years left in me until I reach my prime. Maybe I'm just waiting for that day where everyone tells me that they wish for me to be happy all the time. And then I'll actually take it. Sure I was happy these passed few months, away from Indiana, and now I miss it and I'm going home. And I'm happy for that.
I guess just one day, when I finally find that one thing that will make me eternally happy, and I know that I could never live without, I know that I'll be just fine. People will be wishing for my happiness all around. This is a short entry, and I'm sorry, Mr. Journal, but I just wanted to get that off of my chest. I'll put a bigger update in this some other time, but for now, I'll just be around... somewhere.