Almost the weekend!

May 07, 2010 13:53

So Sal's finally moved out and in sunny Cali-for-nia. That's TWO cool people that have moved down there!


Kevin as in, Kevin Hammer, not our roommate, although we do miss him from time to time too XD

Anyway, with Sal gone, the room is a lot more... how to put this... spaceous than it was before. Mainly because I don't own much stuff, but I actually have furniture now and the room looks really really nice now! :D I even have it set up to stream a movie on my computer and I can lay down in bed and watch it from there! It's awesome!

Unfortunately, I won't be able to go to that tournament tomorrow, and try my hand at competitive pokemon playing. Nor getting a shiny Eevee, but ah well, there will be more!

Other than that, not much going on, although I'm afraid WoW is sucking me back into it's dark and gringy depths! D: Okay, well it's not all a bad thing, it IS fun after all, and the Mario addon I downloaded makes it EVEN MORE FUN! :D

That's all I can think of at the time!

Love ya, Raayv!
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