Apr 15, 2010 11:55
So last night, me and Sal spent what seemed like a good three hours just having pokemon battles with our trained Pokemon. That's the joy of having a box and a half of pokemon you just train up to be awesome. (Even if some of them aren't so awesome. I'm looking at YOU, Arbok!)
But it was a blast! He uploaded them to the wifi room in Goldenrod and I was able to save two of the good ones, mainly because they were full of shenanigans. Out of the 5 battles we had, the end result was me winning 3-2. But it was good times! And it'll be even more awesome as we get more and more pokemon to do that with!
In other news, I'm learning more and more that my faith is returning. I've actually been praying, believe it or not, for strength to go on, things to work out for the better, and so far, everything has! I won't go into it too much because it's just annoying religious rabble and whatnot. All that I know is that with faith and optimism in your life, it's really hard to actually feel down, ya know?
Raayven has her job interview tomorrow at noon, and she's gonna knock them dead! And if she gets the job, it's well within walking distance from our house, or at least a 5 minutes car ride. Easy peasy. Even if it's a low paying job, our rent isn't all that expensive and when she moves in, it's just gonna be so awesome. So awesome indeed! She matches me in every single way, it's uncanny. It's hard to even think about that I almost missed the chance to really get to know her. I finally took a chance with myself and talked to her and here we are. Happy together and forever! It's almost been a month now, and it's going great so far!
Also, not that anybody really checks this out, but if you want to battle me on WiFi in Pokemon, hit me up for my friends code. I'd be more than happy to put it up and have people to battle! I'll also be putting it up on FA eventually too.
All in all, it's been a great week so far, and it's only going to get better!