Nov 21, 2004 23:23
Ok kids, it's been a while. But i'm in the mood to type tonight. Things have been good for me, well minus the being at the rents again thing. Well that and the job issue thing too. Let me give you a quick update. I was with this really awesome chick for a little over a month. I proved i can be faithful, but i don't remember how to have a real relationship. Well anyways, I'm back and it feels pretty damn good to be me again. June is incredible, she had her fourth birthday this september. It was a great time. she's so spoiled, it's great. I hung out with Girl, and Matt, and chrisy, and alex (btw nicki you are very lucky to have him), and kiely, and a whole bunch of other heads i'm forgeting to mention. So i hung with booker for a while today and he had a girl come over so fredie and i split. We ended up going to this chick racheal's house, Her rent's are hippies.
Well anyways i'm trying to start a painting company. I'm online researching how to start it legally and stuff.