Nov 05, 2004 16:56
hey there!!
thursday-stayed after school to watch kelseys basketball game with a bunch of people ..and as we were waiting for the game mary bridget michael h. jeramie and jorge went across the street to CVS ..and they made us take our book bags off and put it by the front door so we wont 'steal' we went in there to get drinks n stuff ..n we were lookin around and me n mary saw some sunglasses so we put them on and then the lady came over to us and was like ..girls yall need to leave ..and i was like why? and she was like bcuz this isnt an after school hang out ..and me n mary both said to her ..ur not gunna be gettin any of our business ne-more!! so she told me mary bridget jeramie michael h and jorge all we had to leave..i think it was mostly cuz jorge always goes in there and trys to steal stuff or sumthin ..and i asked my mom if they could just kick us out and she was like yeah bcuz its there rights and they probally are mean liek that cuz theres some kids that go int here after school and try to steal stuff n they dont w/e dont think ill be goin in there again after school! a lotttt went on that nite at the game and waayy to much to type but it was fun and i saw a lot of the people who used to go to buchanan.
today (friday) was good .. PE is always fun.-- today me kourtney jamal n allan were outside we were just sittin on the side of the so called 'field' of ours we have. and jamal always messes with me! he grabbed my freakin boob thursday when we were playing soccer!! and today kourtney was doin karate on jamal ..lmao i love her!! and then when i was sittin in the grass..jamal grabbed my leg and he wouldnt let go so i kciked him n he still didnt let go!and he started dragging me across the fiel while they were playin soccer!! and he took my shoe from me!! and me n kourt were chasin him n then allan took my other show..i dont remmeber how he got it though! soo i ended up shoeless! and coach reynolds was watching this all goin on and he didnt say ne-thing!!!! lol but i still like him cuz he said i should be student of the week =D haha then ig ot em back and they toko kourtneys and it went on n on im sure u dont really care about this story but if u dont then why r u reading this !!??!?
wow here are some of the notes this kid keeps writing me n its really annoying me!!
todays first one he wrote me said.. Baby: you broke my fancy, because you are the only girl i want you make me forget everything for the test today and my sleeping was go to follow your sleep because last night i cannot sleep. Please can you help me to take my memory back because my memory died for you and crying everyday for you and, my fancy. I love you so much baby
and the 2nd one he wrote me b4 the math test was ..Do you take F for my test Baby
and then ..the 3rd one today had a candle on it and it said .. My Beautiful flower. " i love you' is the title of my heat thinking and in my fancy. but now i cant thinking about nothing and for you i can think only about your love because you are in my heart. you are the only girl can make me stop crying baby. i like you a lot. i am crazy for you my little baby girl
i wrote him a note and i tryed to be as nice as i could and i was like .. why do u keep calling me baby and why do u keep writing me all these notes saying that u cant sleep and i wrote some other stuff i dont remembver and i was like not trying to be mean or ne-thing but i only like u as a friend only..i have a boyfriend!! (which i really dont but he doesnt know i dont!!) danielle said i should tell him that n maybe he'll stop =D so i hope it 'll work cuz hes gettin on my nerves ..i sorda feel bad for him though cuz i dont like him n hes 'obsessed' with me but he always comes to my locker n gives me notes and he taps me on my face..and i REALLY dont like when people touch my face!! lol! =D yeah ..i hope he understands what im trying to get to him! hes this hasian boy who doesnt know a lot of english n i seriously dont like him like that and i wish he'd just leave me a lone ( not to sound mean or ne-thing) but its kinda weird him liking me cuz he sits right next to me in HR and in 5th period and he always stares at me!!!
but ne-wayz..enough with that kid .
c k y x o x: do you think fish can smell underwater?
WiLl FaRm 4 FoOd: what !?
WiLl FaRm 4 FoOd: lol
WiLl FaRm 4 FoOd: yeah
c k y x o x: lol
WiLl FaRm 4 FoOd: y do u ?
c k y x o x: how?..
c k y x o x: lol
WiLl FaRm 4 FoOd: ther nose ?
WiLl FaRm 4 FoOd: do they have one ?
WiLl FaRm 4 FoOd: lol
c k y x o x: yeah
c k y x o x: lol
c k y x o x: i think..
c k y x o x: yeah they have holes
WiLl FaRm 4 FoOd: lol
WiLl FaRm 4 FoOd: then yeah i think they can
WiLl FaRm 4 FoOd: is a shark a fish ?
c k y x o x: but what is there to smell underwater?
c k y x o x: no
c k y x o x: its a shark
c k y x o x: lol
WiLl FaRm 4 FoOd: lol
c k y x o x: haha
WiLl FaRm 4 FoOd: i know but isnt it in the 'family' ?
WiLl FaRm 4 FoOd: cuz they can smell blood
c k y x o x: eehhh i guess
c k y x o x: lol
wow^ shes so funny i love her!!! <33 =D
i dunno what im doin this weekend i might go to the game tonite with kelsey n others..idk yet though but ill talk to yall later ..i love u! xOxO <3 britt