Title: Sweet Things © December 25, 2007
Pairing Jack, Ianto, Owen, Tosh, Gwen (with faint Jack/Ianto)
Rating/Warning: Gen with a PG at the end.
Summary: Special treats at Christmas time.
A/N: Not Welsh. Not by any stretch of the imagination. But I do have the internet and use it with impunity. This story is a gift for switch842 and amiratio in exchange for the gift of jack/ianto icons. And, kk my alpha and beta.
Disclaimer: I own nothing but the ideas.
Jack always worried when his team were clustered, heads together, over the conference room table and he hadn't been invited. It'd been the death of himself at least once.
He walked up to stand at Tosh's shoulder. "What's interesting?" he whispered in her ear. He appreciated the little 'eep' of surprise she gave.
"Don't do that, Jack," came out garbled, her mouth was full. And she had kind of a guilty look on her face. Jack grinned down at her before looking around at the others.
Their mouths were similarly full and in various states of chewing. On the table was a plate covered in a red paper napkin already sporting dark grease marks that accompany plates of cyflaith.
Jack's smile surfaced. "Who made toffee?"
"Don't look at me," Gwen answered. "That'd be too domestic for my tastes."
Owen, speechless due to an overenthusiastic mouthful, pointed at Ianto.
Jack turned to his man Friday with a raised brow. "You make toffee?"
"Don't be daft, sir," Ianto blustered. "My gran makes it at Christmas every year." He paused, that uncertain look that he sported so often recently came onto his face. "I thought it would be a treat - since it is Christmas Eve."
"It's Christmas Eve?" Jack feigned innocence as he plucked a fat, soft piece of rather rich looking vanilla toffee from the plate. Examining it closely, he said, "I imagine you want tomorrow off." His smirk was interrupted when he popped the sweet into his mouth.
"Well, Ebenezer, I was planning to leave at half eleven," Owen groused now that his mouth was free of sticky. Jack, whose mouth was engaged, merely nodded his acquiescence.
Tosh turned her bright eyes toward Jack, as well. "That would be smashing, Jack. I could take the 11:55 train to Paddington."
"If you're sure you want to spend all that quality time with your family." It wasn't polite to talk with his mouthful, but Jack did it anyway. It earned one of those narrow-eyed stares that Tosh was so good at. Jack's smile broadened.
Turning to the newest member of the team, he asked, "And you, Gwen? Have to get a nap in before plygain?"
"God, no," she laughed. "To be at church at three in the morning fills me with - just no," she finished with a decisive shake of her head.
"But there's singing," Jack said if that'd be reason enough.
"Yesss," Gwen drew out. "All the more reason to avoid it." She paused. "I don't even know where you'd find one anymore."
"St. Margaret's in Newport. They've a five a.m. service. Goes to seven." Ianto said. Apparently, he'd gone off after coffee service, placing it on the table by the toffee.
"Tell me you go every year." Gwen didn't believe anyone still sat in a drafty church before dawn on Christmas day. Ianto gave her a mild look and handed her a cup of coffee. "You go every year," she realized after a moment.
"You believe in a God?" Owen asked.
"Really none of your business," he said as he gave the doctor his coffee.
Tosh just smiled at him as he handed her a steaming cup of tea. Jack's coffee was met with a smirk as the older man stuck a finger in his mouth to dislodge a stuck piece of toffee. Ianto couldn't help the upturning of lips.
Jack observed Ianto as he fussed with his own coffee. "Then you probably wear a leek on St. David's," he mused after a while.
Ianto turned to him, smiling serenely. "If I did, I wouldn't wear it on my helmet."
Gwen nearly choked on her coffee. By the blinking Tosh was doing, it was obvious she didn't get the reference. Jack figured she'd be at her computer looking it up momentarily. Owen wasn't paying attention anymore. Which was good, since Ianto was blushing bright as beetroot.
Jack's smile broadened in the face of Ianto's embarrassment. He was glad that the boy could give 'harassment' as good as he got. Reaching down for another toffee, he said, "Can hardly wait for St. David's now," before popping it into his mouth.
St. David's reference:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leeks Scroll to the bottom and you'll find the reference.