The story of the Declaration.

Jul 04, 2007 10:29

So I seem to be on a theme today. This following video is one of the best short histories of the Declaration. Give it a watch, you'll learn something I bet...

image Click to view

I also want to point our a very important fact about the Declaration. These familar lines of it,

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed, by their Creator, with certain Inalienable rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.

This have come to be viewed by many as some of the most fundamental and important lines in the English language...every. It is these lines that keep the United States honest. These are the comments that many now suspect even the slave owning Jefferson knew what he was setting into motion. You will note, the truths are "SELF" evident, obvious, clear, right there, for you and I to see. And these rights are not guaranteed by my government, my leaders, or my friends. They are "INALIENABLE". Endowed not but a piece of paper, but by my, and your, simple existence as a human. These rights can no more be taken away from you than your very right to breath....which is saying something.

I wonder, do my friends know that I am such a Patriot. I wept this morning while reading the Asimov essay to my family. Yep, I'm a sap.

video, freedom, patriotism

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