Lazy Floating Feather by Tom Wisner

May 13, 2010 01:26

The Greenbelt Greenman Festival was dedicated to the memory of Tom Wisner, "The Bard of the Chesapeake". I have been listening to Tom's music constantly since the festival, and have found myself obsessed with the song, "Lazy Floating Feather" sung by Teresa Whitaker. So I created a video of it for Youtube. I am normally very careful and conscious of copyrights, however, it is my sincere and deep felt hope, that by hearing this one haunting and beautiful track, you will be encouraged to find the CD, "Chesapeake Born".

You can get it from Smithsonian Folkways at

image Click to view

As this cross posts to other networks which don't always allow embedding, here is the link to the song.

Tom's music has moved me for many years, since first hearing him on Outdoors Maryland. I am not a "Chesapeake Born" boy, and my roots are firmly in Texas...however...the byways and glories of the Chesapeake Bay region have captured me. Truly "America in miniature", the biology and rich natural community, so utterly mixed with the dense urbanism of the East, reminds those residents of the region that have the ears to hear, and the eyes to see, that they do just live on the land...they are the land. In a rich exchange of breath, life, and soul. We are made of water, and the Chesapeake flows in my veins.

Tom's legacy lives on in the organization he founded, Chestory, which I think describe themselves best.

"A group of Chesapeake artists, scientists, and citizen activists, educators, poets, writers and waterfolk gather around a hope: That it is possible to change the quality of the story driving us and our culture toward a deeper, more joyful and life-giving relationship with the place in which we live.

We think that art, song, and story can help us connect with the deep spiritual experience of the Chesapeake chapter in the on-going story of the Universe."

You can learn more about Tom, his legacy, and the community of like minded ecologist at

Lazy Floating Feather

"My life has been a mystery
wonderin' what was real
a stranger to myself
I often wonder what I feel

And the Geese come down from Hudson
to Chesapeake and return
Lazy floatin' feather,
watch it turn, watch it turn,
Lazy floating Feather, watch it turn

Gentle waters, magic patterns
push the sand up to the shore
forming mounds o smooth white earth
to absorb nor'easters roar

Life revolves through cycles
compositions and decay
each life must fit a pattern
come what may, come what may
each life must fit a pattern
come what may

And the Geese come down from Hudson
to Chesapeake and return
Lazy floatin' feather,
watch it turn
Lazy floating Feather, watch it turn

chesapeake, inspiration, music, beauty

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