Well that was interesting. The test seems, as these so often are, geared toward the teen and twentys crowd and not the...ahem...late thirties rapidly approaching middle age crowd.
(I should make a point here that I resist the term old in people with out much grey and less than 60 years of life. So I wasn't really thinking of myself as middle aged and until some recent math got it across to me that the average male lifespan in the US is 71.83, therefor at 37...well, you do the math)
Many of the questions are events those that many middle aged folks have experienced. Of course when it came to the Crime & Disarray, and Relationships, well, I am a bit embarrassed by my actions there. Misspent youth. And you'll see my deficit in Education.
The quiz was really missing out on asking me about some of life experiences. There was no questions about going on cattle drives, or breaking horses, or being struck by a rattlesnake, or participating in a Joust, or traveled across the country on a busload of hippies, or fought a grass fire, or being chased by a bear, or hopped a freight train,......
Anyway, I am just bragging now, but I have had a rather colorful life and it seems to keep going on. Maybe not as wild as it used to me, (Thank goodness!) but I look forward to many adventures to come.
The Life Experience Test Overall, you have partaken in 127 out of 174 possible life experiences.
Your average life experience score is therefore 73%.
The average score is 50%, making your experiences more than 97% of the people who have taken this test.
The average for your age group (36-55) is 55%.
Broken down by category:
Art: 11/17 (65%)
Career & Work: 12/13 (92%)
Civics & Technology: 7/7 (100%)
Crime & Disarray: 9/11 (82%)
Education: 7/18 (39%)
Fashion: 10/15 (67%)
Fitness, Health and Sports: 5/7 (71%)
Life in General: 12/14 (86%)
Relationships: 12/14 (86%)
Religion & Politics: 4/4 (100%)
Social: 19/22 (86%)
Travel: 8/20 (40%)
Vices: 11/12 (92%)
Take the test and see how YOU compare