People die all the time. So is the nature of things. Most of them are heroes to someone.
I have just learned that
Dave Stevens has passed away at age 52, from leukemia. Dave was the creator of the
Rocketeer Adventure Magazine.
This was the comic which introduced the world to the adventures of Cliff Secord and his amazing rocket backpack. The Rocketeer first appeared in various comic anthologies in the early 80's, and went on into the 90's. Although The Rocketeer wasn't the first of the "retro" comics, it certainly set a standard that folks had to achieve. Dave's artwork was as amazing as his storytelling. A skilled illustrator who gave us an idealized vision of the past. Of course there is that little movie that Disney did. One of my all time favorite comic book movies, the Rocketeer film came out in 1991, when I was working in the comics industry. Here is the trailer for it.
Click to view
And very importantly for all those young teenage boys out there, and for the rest of the world, Dave helped the world rediscovered the great pin up model,
Bettie Page.
For those that don't know, Bettie was far more than the tee-shirt image she has become. Bettie was one of the biggest of pin-up models and a real person. During the 1950's Bettie appeared on more magazine covers than Marilyn Monroe and Cindy Crawford combined. Dave took her image to heart and recreated her as Cliff's girlfriend. And I believe I am quoting
Jessica Rabbit, when I say, "I'm not bad, I'm just drawn that way!"
I have a tee-shirt of that one. I love it, but purposefully don't wear it at public events, well, for obvious reasons. And here is one more, with the Rocketeer saving his girl from the clutches of the evil bad guys, we get to see her, side...
Now this post is about Dave Stevens, not Bettie, however, she was an fundamental part of his career. For the record, when Bettie resurfaced in the 90's, penniless and unaware of her remarkable fan following, (she had actually become a Christian and put aside her former life.) Dave found her, and became her friend and confidant. Dave drove her, then a very senior lady, to doctor appointments, shopping, etc. as a friend would do. He also contributed to and pushed to get Bettie some compensation for all the artists who had used her likeness for their work. For many years she refused to have her picture published, until recently. In 2003, the 50th anniversary party for Playboy, which Bettie was a playmate for in 1955. Here she is, between Annie Nicole Smith and Pamela Anderson. She is 80 years old.
I spent a remarkable afternoon with Dave at a Con once. He was, as so many who met him, a delightful person. Always polite, a real gentleman, with an excellent eye for color and fun to talk with. I will always remember and treasure that conversation with Dave. Since I was involved with the Con, I got to do one of the things I love to do, which was sit behind the table, while Dave signed and chatted with fans. Between we cut up and chatted. It was one of the earliest times that I remember getting to really know one of the artists I admired. So, thanks Dave. You never knew you inspired me.
R.I.P. July 29, 1955 - March 10, 2008