Long weekend of creativity

Nov 29, 2009 18:58

On Thursday and Friday my colleague R and I offered the writers of the school magazine the chance to work extensively on their articles. There are some pretty good ones on all kinds of topics, and the learning curve is extremely steep for some of the participants. Others had to be encouraged quite often to come up with something. We also had artists and photographers on board. There are some nice one of me -- I'll have to ask R for them. We did a silent interview double page; you were asked a question, but instead of your answer a picture was taken of your initial reaction. Goes without saying that that was hilarious. And I really like mine. They also did a photo story of me marking vocabulary tests (which were, yet again abysmally bad -- how hard can it be to memorise irregular verbs?). We stayed at a different place this time, without internet access for everyone. Which was particularly disappointing because the whole stay there was very expensive -- we'd booked too late so we didn't get into the Dachau yout hostel, where we stayed last year.

I wrote my Waters of Mars fic, which I've set in my Sanctuary'verse, and which turned out less bitter than I thought it would. Perhaps it was a good idea to wait with writing it.

Yesterday I made the rest of my Christmas cookies, to have them ready for Christmas tea with my family today. The cookies turned out nicely, and it was a lovely afternoon.

The nightmare of having to clear out part of my basement compartment was less bad than I thought it would be. The landlord called yesterday morning to let me know I had to have it cleared out to give access to the pipe on the wall, which needs replacing. And of course this had to happen this weekend, because the repairs are done Tuesday, and I've got parents' night (the last one for this semester) tonight, and my parents' wedding anniversary dinner to attend to afterwards. But it's done.

And, because I'm sad, here's the Christmas decoration, now move from the side table to my desk:

writing, life in general, food, school

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