{Movie} Meme-ing like it's 1999!

Apr 18, 2011 21:23

2. Name a film that made you cry in the cinema:
       Star Trek (2009) - I used to be really repressed and the only things that made me cry was sitting in dark theatres watching movies.  Then I went through the break up and came through a different, better person.  Who STILL cries at movies.  For this question though, I'm going to have to go with Star Trek.  I cried at least four times: 1 - When Kirk sees the half-built Enterprise; 2 - When we see the Enterprise take off for the first time; 3 - The first time I heard Majel Barrett Roddenberry as the computer, then realized she was now gone, along with her husband; 4 - When Spock does the narration at the end.  I totally embarrassed one of my dearest friends B, who I had to bribe into seeing anything as Nerdy as Star Trek anyways.

I couldn't help it - I grew up at the decline of Trek, where it went from a valid exploration to the human condition to something laughable - but it was always about the endurance of humanity and the belief that we would rise above the hatred and cruelty of our modern condition to become something better than we were.  It's a very American sentiment - one that could only be born out of the very place and time of its creation - America in the sixties.  America had faced some of its darkest days but its citizens believed in hope, and worked on hope, and still do.  Trek is born of that idealism and sense of duty and work.  Battlestar Galactica is one of my favorite shows ever created - the only way it was able to provide the hard, unflinching look at our world was by removing it from our reality and setting it into space.  It's dark, and empty and depressing and very, very real.  It's the shadow to Trek's light - which is why Trek made me cry. I hadn't felt hope, true hope for civilization in such a long time.

Also? Simon Pegg.

Tomorrow: 3. What's the last film you saw in the cinema?

meme, movie meme

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