Today is a very good day for fanfic. ^_^
First, we have
Chapter 33 of Pawns, by
As evidenced by the last few chapters, this author is a master of suspense. Things come to a head in this chapter, and the tension is truly palpable. I can't really say more without giving something away. Just go read it. *Squee!*
anax has posted
Part 14 and the Epilogue of Völuspá:
A lovely end to a stunning fic. Beautifully bittersweet, yet a happier end than many expected. I can't properly gush without spoiling it, so just go read it!
And finally,
Part 6 of
sky_dark's Roy/Ed fic:
I adore this chapter for so many reasons. Ed, Al, Roy, Hawkeye...all so amusing and wonderful! This fic's traditional humor is there in force, as is the usual emotion. And that ending? *Squee!* I can't wait for the next chapter!