Reviews And A Plug

Aug 12, 2003 22:04

I just finished watching Queer Eye for the Straight Guy on Bravo, and I have to say that I love this show! I'm not quite sure why, either. I usually hate makeover shows, 'cause they serve only to prove that America (and humanity in general) is disgustingly shallow and superficial. But, for some reason, I love Queer Eye. Probably because the Fab 5 are just plain amusing. ^___^ Plus, so far all of the straight guys have been really good sports about it, which is nice. ^^

Another show that I've been hearing about is Boy Meets Boy, also on Bravo. I've only seen a little of it, mostly whenever I remembered to tune in a little early to catch Queer Eye. But I've seen plenty of commercials, so I know the basics. I really don't like this show. For one, I dislike all of these "Harem" Shows, but I especially dislike this one. From what I've seen, they give the leading man a group of guys to pick from...the only thing is, some of them are straight, and he doesn't know that. I think this is rather cruel. While I don't believe that you could truly be ready for marriage after one of these things (as they always claim in the straight dating shows; though I've not heard of any such agreement to take place at the end of this show), I do believe that it's possible to meet someone that you'd like to continue seeing after the show is done. So, I ask, what will happen if the leading man makes his final choice and picks a straight guy? How's he going to feel? That's just cruel. You don't see them mixing lesbians into the Bachelor's harem, so what's up with this?

I was surfing the net a couple of days ago, when I stumbled across this site: Brats! The Famous ChildFree Rant Page. As someone who decided to be CF during my own childhood, I love this site! I've been browsing through the archives, and I have to say, I can totally relate. Though I haven't had to hear those disgusting breeder bingoisms as often (probably because I'm still quite young), I have heard them and am as annoyed as the rest. It's just so great to see that I'm not alone in my dislike of children, and my sheer hatred for stupid parents, not to mention the ridiculous assumption that everyone wants to breed! For any fellow CFers reading this, go check it out!

[x-posted from my old journal]

reviews, old journal

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