I finally finished Okami! =D
God, I loved this game. The graphics, the music, the gameplay...it's all very unique and wonderful. I'll definitely be playing this one again. <3
Let's see...thoughts on the last bit. (I might try for a more comprehensive review later, but not now)
Issun really grew on me, in a sneaky kind of way. Like, I didn't realise just how attatched to him I was until he and Ammy part ways. Even thought it made sense that he couldn't go with her onto the Ark of Yamato, it was still sad to see them part. And his speech toward the end of the final boss fight? Where he's talking to the people about Amaterasu, spreading the word and finally choosing to embrace the path of being her Celestial Envoy...so absurdly sweet. Made me smile like the fangirl I am. <3
Though, I have to say...Yami? I about died when I first heard the ultimate big-bad's name was Yami. XD (I've been in the Yuugiou fandom way too long not to make that association.) Plus, the whole 'using an appropriate Japanese word' thing is slightly cheesy...though, we also have 'Nippon' rather than just 'Japan', so...I guess 'Yami' isn't that surprising. Also, the jumbo ball design? I'm not sure whether to find it amusing, or to think it's really lame. XD
And I really enjoyed the past-themed bits; with Shiranui and Ishaku, and how it all tied in with present day Amaterasu and Issun. Really neat. And the way they left the ending open? Makes me wonder if there'll be a sequel. =D I'd love another game, though I'd want Clover to do it. And since they disbanded, well...*shrugs*
And now that I think of it...I have to make Jason play this game, if he hasn't already. Because it's awesome, for one, and because I want to see how he reacts to Issun. XD
I'm so glad I finally finished this one~! Now I just have to decide what to play next. =D