Aug 04, 2007 00:24
Well, Murphy was out in full force today. =P I drama (in at least two different flavors), wonky moods, rain, and glitches at work. Yeah, today was fun. TGIF, man.
As for this particular plans. I'll probably spend a fair bit of it in front of the TV or computer, 'cause I'm feeling lazy. I've got a couple of Netflix disks I can watch. Also, I've still got a number of Sailor Moon disks left. See, I finally bought an HK set of SailorStars. (Yeah, this is how far behind the times I am, that I'm just now getting this. =P) The purchase made me all nostalgic, and I've been slowly working my way through the earlier seasons. I've got one disk left of S, then SuperS, then finally Stars. Not that I expect to finish any time soon, but it's something to do now and then.
Plus I really need to get back to FFX-2. It's been quite a while since I played...I don't want to give up on it, it's just that the plot is really slow just now. =P I'm toward the end of Chapter 2 (just entered Bevelle, if I remember right), and so far most of the game has been the little random 'missions'. I want plot, damn it! There have been some snippets, and I'm curious, but come on~! Gimme it already!
...And now I need to go wash my hair. Damn. =P
real life,