Russian music

Sep 29, 2011 21:56


In this article I will tell about Russian music and its history. Music may be reviewed in many points: music evolution, difference and similarity between different countries, genres spectrum, tendencies in themes and rhymes, etc. Since I am no professional, and writing a complex research is not my aim, I will describe just those aspects, which I find interesting.
I will try to illustrate my words with audiable examples, but you must remember, that I’m not a pro, and I can make mistake in my descriptions. So, let’s go.
Ah, and one more thing. My English is not as good as I want it to be. So I need more practice. And this text is its part. So, sorry for my clumsy sentences.

1. Prehistorical music.

As any other country, Russia has its own music from ancient time. But we not know much about it. Because there were no sound recorders this time J . Also, there was no solid system to write music on paper. But we can make some assumptions by tracing back records of folk music and researching archeological artifacts such as ancient musical instruments. There was a lot of varieties of wooden pipes (rozhki, zhaleyki), lute-like instruments (gusli) and violins.
Ancient Russian music may sound somehow like this:
Aquarium - Archistratig

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2. First professional musicians

First professional music in Russia was clerical. Adopting Byzantian tradition, it used no (or almost no) musical instruments, and peculiar multivoice patterns. Also, it was documented with so-called “hooks”, the first Russian system to transfer music on paper. Clerical music was the only professional music in Russia from 10 (adopting christianity) to the very end of 17 century. Russian clerical music now changed, but just a little bit, so you can hear very similar sounds in temples all around Russia.

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3. Western traditions

Russian culture changed a lot, since by ruler of empire statued Peter I (the Great). He imported a lot of western (European) traditions in all means of life, including music. Cultural revolution that he brings in country was much larger, then similar Meiji revolution in Japan. So, from the beginning of 18 century musical fashion in Russia was done with foreign (mostly Italian) composers. Many of them lived and worked in Russia for many years.
One of them was Baldassare Galuppi, and this is an example of his music:

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4. Original art

In second half of 18 century, Russian composers consumed western traditions and methods, and begin to merge them with tints of folk music. It was a beginning of new Russian musical traditions. Main genre this time was opera, but in the very end of the century it was merged with traditional clerical music.
Here is example of this by composer M. Berezovsky:

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5. Mature culture

In 19 century Russian music was well known around the world. Adopting western (and some eastern) traditions, merging them with rich folk legacy, it has created an original form of art, different from its predecessors. Composers, who created those synthesis celebrated across the world even today. It were Glinka, Musorgsky, Borodin, Rimsky-Korsakov, Tchaikovsky etc.

As an example of this kind of music, I want to show part from ballet "Nutcracker" by Peter Tchaikovsky:

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6. People’s music

Only in 19 century professional music in Russia moved from theaters and nobles courts to restaurants and salons, where middle class may enjoy it. So in late 19 and early 20 century new genres begin to gain popularity, and main of them is romance. Romance usually have some gypsy motifs (more or less), and usually quite sad and touching. As an example, I can think of Vertinsky, who lived in 20 century, and wrote and sang songs with quite bizarre plots.
For example, this song “Beznozhenyka” about young footless child, who live on cemetery and begging God for new legs.

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7. Soviet Union

After 1917, most talented composers and performers (including mentioned above Vertinsky) left Russia in fear to be executed for being wealthy. In 1920-1930 new wave of Russian musicians were trying to build “a brand new world” in means of music. They emerged a lot original ideas as electronic music, synthetic sounds and strange audio patterns most of those ideas was so alien, so they looks pretty weird even today. For example, this is Leon Theremin, and his musical instrument thereminvox.

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In 1930-1940 to Russia returned some composers, who left it during revolution. So, evolution of Russian classical music continues. But it was not so popular any more. Music became a tool of social manipulation. Most of music since 1930 for the 1990 were inspiring positive songs about how life is good, and live in USSR is especially good. Sometimes there were some funny or lyrical songs, but always positive and never provocative.
Aida Vedischeva “Tovarisch” (“Comrade”), song about friendship.

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Eduard Khil, “Zima” (“Winter”), a funny song.

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But you can’t always be positive. This idea gave birth to some new musical genres with no official government support. One of the most popular alternative singers and song writers in 1960-1980 was Vladimir Vysotsky. It’s quite difficult to say, which genre belongs his songs. His songs were not so provocative, and his popularity was widely recognized by authorities. He was not only musician, but also renowned actor. He died at 1980, but his songs popular even now, and they were a beginning of Russian rock.

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Russian rock was grooving at the same time, while USSR was decaying. Up to 1991, rock community was widely spread across the country. The most popular bands were (among others) “Aquarium” and “Kino”. History of “Kino” ended at 1990 with death of its soloist, but they songs are remaining very popular.

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8. Modern music

After fall of USSR, Russia was flooded with foreign music. It was something new, and western musical culture easily spread over country. So now most popular genre - pop music is just a pathetic copy of western originals. When I must admit, that western pop music often is a good quality product, Russian pop is never deserved such high mark.
Russian rock is also very popular, but when during the soviet time it was not commercial product, now it often playing just for money, so most of modern rock bands are very close to pop music. Now one of the most popular Russian rock bands is “Aquarium”. It is pretty old (its history begins about 1970), and quite productive. Now it have over 30 albums. Songs of “Aquarium” is not just good quality music, they also full of hidden meanings, so to listen them is just like to solve a peculiar puzzle.

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There is, of course, a lot of other genres. Electronic music, punk, goth… Everything you can imagine. But, they not so widespread, as mentioned above. Except, maybe, chanson. Russian chanson songs often share the same topic: how difficult to be a thief (or murderer). This prison romantic often full of harsh lexicon and I don’t know why it so popular. But music is evolving. So, I hope time wil make it and all our lives more beautiful.

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