"Natural Sex" means i don't know what i'm talking about

Apr 04, 2006 21:29

tonight mindy and i went to a presentation from a "Dr." on why "natural sex" is best and why contraception has caused the problems of our society.

this woman was re-god-damn-diculous if you ask me.

first she defines "natural sex" as sex without contraception, with someone you love and want to spend the rest of your life with, as well as sex for procreation. she advocates abstaining from sex unless it is for procreation, even within a marriage.

these are some interesting quotes from the presentation;
while showing graphs from the UN about population rates, which helped "prove" her point, she says. "Don't trust the UN, I don't", so therefore, by discrediting what she is citing in her presentation, she discredits her entire presentation because an argument cannot be valid if any of the premises to the argument are false. 1 point for me.

"Elle Magazing, a feminist magazine says......." when was the last time "Elle" magazine was catagorized as a feminist magazine? she obviously does not understand the feminists viewpoints. i am not claiming to know all of the feminist viewpoints, but i know for sure that they frown upon exploitation of women, and therefore shun most magazines such as vogue and glamour because of the emphasis put upon women to be objectified by men. dear "Dr. Janet", just because a magazine is marketed to women more than men, does not make it a "feminist" magazine. 1 point for me.

she also claimed during the presentation that since clyamydia and syphilis rates are increasing faster than HIV rates, that we should be focusing more of our money and research on those diseases. okay, 1. we already know how to cure those diseases. 2. "Dr. Janet" is what i would like to call, a member of the religious right, which is apparent becuase of the strong religious overtones of the discussion, the religious right is the main advocacy group that wants to shut planned parenthood down. planned parenthood is the nations largest provider of STD treatment. it doesn't make sense for her to say we should focus more on clyamydia and preventing and treating it, when people such as herself, advocate the distruction of an organization at the forefront of doing such a thing. 1 point for me.

so anyway, i disagree, and i feel better now that i pointed out contradictions in her argument.
i love you all goodnight.

ps- i purchased brokeback mountain and intend on wearing out the disc
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