Scott's movie was playing at the Toronto Film Fest this week so i decided to take it in.
It was part of the Midnight Madness showings which basically means the "weirder" movies fit here-clearly this movie TRAPPED ASHES was!
Visually it was a beautifully well done film. Five directors-five stories and out of them all i liked Scott's segment the best. His part was done in Japan.
the Q and A afterwards had him and the cast up on stage answering questions and 2 out of the 5 stories told were partly based on actual facts....scary stuff boys and girls *shivers*
one of the stories was based on the directors friend whos mother ate undercooked meat while pregnant and got a tapeworm. Doctors said if they got rid of the worm it would kill her baby so the mother decided to keep baby-and tapeworm-and both grew inside the mother :X
Scott's storyline was more about a spiritual hell and how he had to save his wife from it-it kinda scared the crap outta me. All of the stories had highly sexual tones and therefore had alot of nakedness and sex, although Scott stayed clothed the whole time.
i got to talk to him briefly afterwards and he gave me a great big hug and said it was good to see me again. he's such a sweetheart!
Also of interest a couple of qaf crew were there and Scott was so surprised to see them and he gave them hugs as well.
He looks so great!
the cast of TRAPPED ASHES-the 2 on the left were directors and the blond boy is actually 1 of the dirctors brother-the woman in red played Scott's wife
handsome devil
happy to greet his fans