Hi again! Well, thanks to the awesome friending meme on inceptionfilm (i can't link to the comm, for some lj-fail reason, damnit) I now have lotsa friends! I'm really excited to meet you all and get to know you (which means I'm gonna stalk your journals, lol) and I can't wait to squee and stuff with everyone over various assorted fandoms and stuff, such as The Princess Bride (
arathe , whom I already love dearly) How I Met Your Mother, Glee, Heroes, and other assorted fandoms. I can't wait.
If there is anything you want to know about me, hair color, pets, family, fandom preferences, anything at all, drop a comment and we'll go from there. :D I have some pictures, too (not of me, lol, I have a rule about pics on the internet) and so on. :D
Peace be with you!!