So, I've started going through the pile of papers and photos grabbed from Grandma Sherer's house. Photos go in one pile to be scanned in at a later date. The papers are sorted based on content. Grandma had saved cards and letters from her children and friends. It's nice to finally see hat my mother's handwriting looks like and get a sense of her voice through her writing. Grandma had saved cards sent to my grandfather when he was in the hospital in, I think, 1968, if I remember the post marks correctly. There were clippings from newspapers she had saved that have no apparent relevance to me, they mostly being recipes and letters to Dear Anne. There were also poems and other bits of wisdom that were saved. The poems will be saved, the other stuff will meet a trash bag. This got m to thinking about what sort of paper trails we make and leave behind or others to pick up once we are gone.
There were also sympathy cards sent to Grandma at the time of Mom's death. These were kind of difficult to look at. I sort of skimmed through them because I didn't want to burden myself with their weight yet. Looking through some of the photos, finding one of me at the age of helped get feeling better.
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