February 2010
Contribution #209 - Voted in manga_character Week 10 and got illusion01
Contribution #208 - Voted in anime_melee Week 89 and got crusnik08, jailbait06
Contribution #207 - Submitted to anime_melee Week 89 and got pilot19, puppet11, snap14
Contribution #206 - Voted in dgray_icontest Week 42 and got hod10
Contribution #205 - Voted in title_awards Week 84 and got destiny03
Activity - Placed at game_abc Week X1 and got jailbait20, job03
Activity - Voted in tcg_quiz Week 14 and got monster03, nyoron03
Activity - Submitted to tcg_quiz Week 14 and got a Rank C Certificate plus lock11, nya09, reverie15
Contribution #204 - Voted in xxxholic_still Week 148 and got fuuin02
Contribution #203 - Voted in anime_crops Week 118 and got colonel10
Contribution #202 - Voted in anime_icontext Week 45 and got fuuin60
Contribution #201 - Submitted to anime_icontext Week 45 and got coffee15, eye10
Activity - Suggested name for Cameo Deck and got cameo10
Contribution #200 - Submitted to game_abc Week X1 and got dove14, pilot02
Activity - Placed at game_abc Week P2 and got design16
Contribution #199 - Voted in anime_eloquence Week 141 and got shuusaku02
Contribution #198 - Submitted to anime_eloquence Week 141 and got hope05, yanki04
Contribution #197 - Voted in anime_melee Week 88 and got panterra10, windam15
Contribution #196 - Voted in kingdom_chorus Week 132 and got itako11
Activity - Placed at shounenicontest Week 43 and got loyal20
Contribution #195 - Voted in shounenicontest Week 43 and got hell08
Contribution #194 - Voted in dgray_icontest Week 41 and got ice10
Contribution #193 - Submitted to dgray_icontest Week 41 and got lancelot09, pan18
Activity - Placed at anime_melee Week 88 and got lost05
Contribution #192 - Submitted to anime_melee Week 88 and got ginryuu18, nirvash11, summon04
Activity - Placed at title_awards Week 83 and got camorra01, pokedex147
Contribution #191 - Voted in title_awards Week 83 and got resist01
Contribution #190 - Submitted to title_awards Week 83 and got otaku10, yanki03
Activity - Completed Chinese New Year Event and got 2010
Activity - Placed at manga_itest Week 56 and got a Rank C Certificate plus digidestined04, fanservice08
Contribution #189 - Voted in manga_itest Week 56 and got uranus13
Contribution #188 - Submitted to manga_itest Week 56 and got half09, report04
Activity - Placed at anime_icontext Week 44 and got beloved15, magic15
Contribution #187 - Submitted to anime_icontext Week 44 and got french08, jellopy97
Activity - Voted in tcg_quiz Week 13 and got silent14, traitor19
Contribution #186 - Voted in anime_crops Week 117 and got rayearth17
Contribution #185 - Voted in banner_contest Week 128 and got lock01, zero12
Contribution #184 - Submited to anime_eloquence Week 140 Week and got berry02, rabbit13
Contribution #183 - Voted in anime_eloquence Week 140 and got typhoon09
Contribution #182 - Voted in kingdom_chorus Week 131 and got legend04
Contribution #181 - Submitted to kingdom_chorus Week 131 and got peach05, report06
Contribution #180 - Submitted to shounenicontest Week 42 and got noa02, wizard14
Contribution #179 - Voted in shounenicontest Week 42 and got ise18
Contribution #178 - Voted in dgray_icontest Week 40 and got colonel14
Contribution #177 - Submitted to dgray_icontest Week 40 and got quest03, zero04
Contribution #176 - Voted in anime_melee Week 87 and got pilot04, plum04
Contribution #175 - Voted in xxxholic_still Week 147 and got gotei01
Activity - Entered the Hall of Fame at xxxholic_still and got author02, eat04, nirvash08, resist08
Contribution #174 - Voted in anime_crops Week 116 and got onigiri10
Contribution #173 - Voted in shounenicontest Week and got right16
Contribution #172 - Voted in anime_melee Week 85 and got ballet14, sadist10
Activity - Reached Level 8 at tcg_exchange and got a Rank A Certificate plus crossover03, evil10, flower01, grin14, hat11, quest06, visor12, youkai12
Activity - Placed at dgray_icontest Week 39 and got design13
Contribution #171 - Voted in dgray_icontest Week 39 and got thrill06
Contribution #170 - Submitted to dgray_icontest Week 39 and got extreme14, ginryuu11
Contribution #169 - Voted in title_awards Week 82 and got friend06
Activity - Voted in tcg_quiz Week 12 and got celes17, sky01
Contribution #168 - Made banner(s) for cb_overflow and got copy19, jellopy23, kendama09, nun14, quest43
Contribution #167 - Submitted one icon to xxxholic_still Week 146 and got money08, star08
Contribution #166 - Voted in xxxholic_still Week 146 and got sos16
Contribution #165 - Voted in banner_contest Week 127 and got puu09, reverie16
Contribution #164 - Voted in kingdom_chorus Week 130 and got thunder12
Activity - Placed at anime_eloquence Week 139 and got howl18
Contribution #163 - Voted in anime_eloquence Week 139 and got tease11
Contribution #162 - Submitted one icon to anime_eloquence Week 139 and got ice14, madamada18
Activity - Reached Bronze Level (Hall of Fame) at title_awards and got a Rank C Certificate plus exorcist19, reverie11, rival14, warrior17, wizard06
Activity - Placed at title_awards Week 81 and got phantom20, seal07
Acitivity - Placed at dgray_icontest Week 38 and got cosplay14
Contribution #161 - Submitted to dgray_icontest Week 38 and got seal07, shift16
Contribution #160 - Voted in dgray_icontest Week 38 and got moon14
Contribution #159 - Voted in shounenicontest Week 40 and got ballet09
Contribution #158 - Submitted to shounenicontest Week 40 and got berry04, shuusaku14
Contribution #157 - Voted in xxxholic_still Week 145 and got warrior14
Contribution #156 - Submitted to xxxholic_still Week 145 and got dark06, pan42
Contribution #155 - Voted in title_awards Week 81 and got pan01
Contribution #154 - Submitted to title_awards Week 81 and got fuku03, summon07
Activity - Placed at title_awards Week 80 and got gemini03, knit17, nun01
Contribution #153 - Voted in kingdom_chorus Week 129 and got megane06
Contribution #152 - Submitted to kingdom_chorus Week 129 and got frown16, rose10
Contribution #151 - Voted in manga_itest Week 55 and got heart06
Contribution #150 - Voted in aime_icontext Week 44 and got loyal12
Activity - Placed at anime_icontext Week 000 and got dust14, star12
Activity - Placed at anime_icontext Week 43 and got dove03
Contribution #149 - Voted in anime_icontext Week 43 and got moon12
Contribution #148 - Voted in anime_icontext Week 000 and got quest25
Contribution #147 - Submitted to anime_icontext Week 000 and got 8th19, deceit15
Contribution #146 - Submitted to anime_icontext Week 43 and got thunder01, yanki07
Activity - Placed at anime_crops Week 115 and got dino17, primrose19
Contribution #145 - Voted in anime_crops Week 115 and got rabbit13
Contribution #144 - Submitted to anime_crops Week 115 and got gamuza04, petals07
Contribution #143 - Voted in anime_melee Week 86 and got lunar17, typhoon17
Contribution #142 - Submitted to anime_melee Week 86 and got armor13, fanservice11, scar04
Contribution #141 - Voted in dgray_icontest Week 137 and got quest59
Contribution #140 - Submitted to dgray_icontest Week 37 and got councik20, dragon09
Contribution #139 - Voted in anime_eloquence Week 138 and got quest47
Contribution #138 - Submitted to anime_eloquence Week 138 and got cat01, onigiri02
January 2010
Activity - Reached Level 7 at tcg_exchange and got a Rank A Certificate plus complex04, jewel03, pluto11, seventh13, sos04, stone02, underage02
Contribution #137 - Voted in title_awards Week 80 and got frown09
Contribution #136 - Submitted to title_awards Week 80 and got job19, nirvash01
Activity - Placed in anime_melee Week 85 and got pilot16
Acitivity - Replied to tcg_exchange's Roll Call and got money07, shift13, thrill12
Activity - Voted in tcg_quiz Week 10 and got plan02, star10
Contribution #135 - Voted in xxxholic_still Week 144 and got copy11
Contribution #134 - Submitted to xxxholic_still Week 144 and got dragon11, strahl14
Contribution #133 - Voted in banner_contest Week 126 and got cherry12, resist10
Activity - Placed at anime_crops Week 114 and got design20
Contribution #132 - Voted in anime_crops Week 114 and got megane08
Contribution #131 - Submitted to anime_crops Week 114 and got egyptian14, heart08
Contribution #130 - Voted in game_abc Week P2 and got camorra16
Activity - Placed at game_abc Week I1 and got nirvash09, sketch14
Contribution #129 - Submitted to game_abc Week P1 and got plum03, uranus20
Contribution #128 - Voted in game_abc Week I1 and got ice09
Activity - Placed at game_abc Week M1 and got legend11, tease15
Contribution #127 - Voted in anime_eloquence Week 137 and got half15
Contribution #126 - Submitted to anime_eloquence Week 137 and got ise04, unwanted09
Contribution #125 - Voted at manga_itest Week 54 and got jewel07
Contribution #124 - Voted at manga_itest Week 53 and got reverie07
Contribution #123 - Voted in kingdom_chorus Week 128 and got shift18
Contribution #122 - Submitted to kingdom_chorus Week 128 and got magic19, peace16
Activity - Placed at title_awards Week 79 and got shift06, thunder05
Contribution #121 - Voted in dgray_icontest Week 36 and got rival08
Contribution #120 - Submitted to dgray_icontest Week 36 and got blast10, silent11
Contribution #119 - Voted in title_awards Week 79 and got materia17
Contribution #118 - Sumbmitted to title_awards Week 79 and got apple06, fanservice14
Activity - Placed at title_awards Week 78 and got attack13, design09
Activity - Placed at shounenicontest Week 39 and got blitz17, dreams16
Contribution #117 - Voted in shounenicontest Week 39 and got time02
Contribution #116 - Submitted to shounenicontest Week 39 and got burn07, money03
Contribution #115 - Made banner(s) for cb_overflow and got drill08, moon15, short07, sinner14, splat03
Contribution #114 - Voted in xxxholic_still Week 143 and got demon14
Activity - Submitted to tcg_quiz Week 9 and got a Rank C Certificate plus pantera05, pluto17, pokedex29
Contribution #113 - Voted in kingdom_chorus Week 127 and got silent01
Contribution #112 - Submitted to kingdom_chorus Week 127 and got bombay03, suit17
Contribution #111 - Voted in dgray_icontest Week 35 and got windam14
Contribution #110 - Submitted to dgray_icontest Week 35 and got peach12, silent06
Contribution #109 - Submitted to anime_melee Week 85 and got author09, scatter02, solar13
Contribution #108 - Voted in anime_melee Week 84 and got hacker13, peach11
Contribution #107 - Voted in anime_eloquence Week 136 and got ballet01
Contribution #106 - Submitted to anime_eloquence Week 136 and got hostess04, tactics06
Contribution #105 - Voted in title_awards Week 78 and got uranus06
Contribution #104 - Submitted to title_awards Week 78 and got four02, summon04
Activity - Placed at dgray_icontest Week 35 and got mafia17
Activity - Placed at anime_melee Week 84 and got hyotei20
Contribution #103 - Submitted to game_abc Week I1 and got lancelot08, uranus05
Activity - Placed at game_abc C2 and got exorcist15
Activity - Placed at game_abc Week Z1 and got fiance12, lancelot11
Contribution #102 - Voted in game_abc Week M1 and got puppet15
Contribution #101 - Submitted to game_abc Week M1 and got neptune15, rayearth20
Contribution #100 - Voted in banner_contest Week 125 and got pan17, punisher20
Contribution #99 - Submitted to xxxholic_still Week 143 and got dark19, peace07
Activity - Placed at anime_crops Week 113 and got oresama13
Activity - Placed at anime_crops Week 113 and got hyotei01, monkey05
Contribution #98 - Voted in anime_crops Week 113 and got rekka10
Contribution #97 - Submitted to anime_crops Week 113 and got heart01, souen30
Activity - Placed at anime_icontext Week 42 and got southern19
Contribution #96 - Voted in anime_icontext Week 42 and got job15
Activity - Placed at anime_icontext Week 41 and got horse05
Contribution #95 - Submitted to anime_icontext Week 42 and got candy07, fox02
Activity - Placed at anime_eloquence Week 135 and got a Rank C Certificate plus magic01, megane01
Contribution #94 - Voted at anime_eloquence Week 135 and got irony18
Contriubtion #93 - Submitted to anime_eloquence Week 135 and got magician14, unlucky09
Activity - Placed at anime_eloquence Week 134 and got a Rank C Certificate plus loyal07, sketch11
Contribution #92 - Submitted to kingdom_chorus Week 126 and got alana, maou09, plum04
Contribution #91 - Vote in dgray_icontest Week 34 and got report14
Contribution #90 - Submitted to dgray_icontest Week 34 and got deceit10, job05
Activity - Placed at shounenicontest Week 38 and got berry17
Contribution #89 - Voted in shounenicontest Week 38 and got bite17
Contribution #88 - Submitted to shounenicontest Week 38 and got half01, persocom15
Activity - Placed at dgray_icontest and got a Rank C Certificate and armor17, scythe15
Contribution #87 - Voted in kingdom_chorus Week 126 and got shark03
Activity - Reached Level 6 at tcg_exchange and got a Rank B Certificate plus count08, materia06, monkey09, objection06, purity18, rekka40
Contribution #86 - Voted in manga_itest Week 52 and got virtue01
Contribution #85 - Voted in game_abc Week Z1 and got grin04
Contribution #84 - Submitted to game_abc Week Z1 and got persocom16, knowledge03
Activity - Placed at title_awards Week 77 and got monster16
Activity - Placed at tcg_quiz Week 8 and got white16, zangan19
Activity - Voted at tcg_quiz Week 8 and got camorra11, magician06
Activity - Submitted to tcg_quiz Week 8 and got a Rank C Certificate plus horse18, jellopy65, strahl11
Contribution #83 - Voted in banner_contest Week 124 and got peach18, rabbit18
Contribution #82 - Voted in anime_crops Week 112 and got japan10
Activity - Traded 50 times got a Rank A Certificate plus returners14, thrill17
Activity - Contributed 50 times and got a Rank A Certificate plus insei06, necro11
Activity - Mastered Stocking Event Set and got clow31, pokedex92, ultraball
December 2009
Activity - Reached Level 5 at tcg_exchange and got a Rank B Certificate plus bandage16, betrayal02, blast20, distant14, eat16
Contribution #81 - Voted in anime_icontext and got windam05
Contribution #80 - Submitted to anime_icontext and got dragon13, gotei12
Contribution #79 - Voted in game_abc Week C2 and got ballet19
Contribution #78 - Submitted to game_abc Week C2 and got chariot17, magician08
Activity - Placed at game_abc Week E1 and got guardian05
Contribution #77 - Voted in title_awards Week 77 and got curse04
Contribution #76 - Submitted to title_awards Week 77 and got nobodies11, quest30
Activity - Placed at title_awards Week 76 and got peach14
Contribution #75 - Voted in dgray_icontest Week 33 and got nobodies07
Contribution #74 - Submitted to dgray_icontest Week 33 and got bow09, half16
Activity - Placed at dgray_icontest Week 32 and got pokedex97
Activity - Placed at tcg_quiz Week 7 and got digidestined01, french15, jenova12, punisher05, southern16
Contribution #73 - Voted in anime_crops Week 111 and got quest64
Contribution #72 - Voted in banner_contest and got cuffs02, fuku09
Contribution #71 - Voted in xxxholic_still and got bomb03
Activity - Voted at tcg_quiz Week 7 and got boots05, jellopy97
Contribution #70 - Submitted to anime_melee Week 84 and got blast19, friend15, virtue05
Contribution #69 - Voted in anime_melee Week 83 and got medic14, rekka06
Contribution #68 - Submitted to anime_melee Week 83 and got dreams03, dreams06, dust10
Contribution #67 - Voted in anime_eloquence Week 134 and got summon02
Contribution #66 - Submitted to anime_eloquence Week 134 and got blitz04, dog18
Activity - Submitted to tcg_quiz Week 7 and got a Rank C Certificate as well as beloved11, deceit05, tease17
Activity - Placed at manga_itest Week 51 and got a Rank C Certificate as well as heartless13, pokedex111
Contribution #65 - Voted in manga_itest Week 51 and got wairror12
Contribution #64 - Submitted to manga_itest Week 51 and got monster08, otaku18
Activity - Placed at manga_itest Week 50 and got a Rank C Certificate as well as guardian20, hachi03
Contribution #63 - Voted in manga_itest Week 50 and got paradise11
Contribution #62 - Submitted to manga_itest Week 50 and got beloved17, design17
Contribution #61 - Voted in anime_icontext Week 40 and got pan05
Contribution #60 - Submitted to anime_icontext Week 40 and got beloved13, rekka29
Activity - Reached Level 4 at tcg_exchange and got a Rank B Certificate plus archer18, chariot03, hell17, pokedex106
Contribution #59 - Voted in title_awards Week 76 and got carrot14
Contribution #58 - Submitted to title_awards Week 76 and got jellopy57, rayearth15
Contribution #57 - Voted at banner_contest Week 122 and got blast03, saturn15
Activity - Placed at anime_melee Week 83 and got copy14, windam09
Contribution #56 - Voted in anime_eloquence Week 133 and got thrill02
Contribution #55 - Submitted to anime_eloquence Week 133 and got blast15, disney18
Activity - Placed at manga_itest Week 49 and got a Rank C Certificate as well as medic03, seer12
Activity - Placed at manga_itest Week 49 and got celes07
Contribution #54 - Voted in manga_itest Week 49 and got summon11
Contribution #53 - Submitted to manga_itest Week 49 and got honey14, shuusaku06
Contribution #52 - Voted in kingdom_chorus Week 125 and got light20
Contribution #51 - Voted in shounenicontest Week 37 and got coffee07
Contribution #50 - Voted in dgray_icontest Week 32 and got sms01
Contribution #49 - Submitted to dgray_icontest Week 32 and got pipe12, thunder17
Activity - Placed at tcg_quiz Week 06 and got alien03, ice03, frown20, nya05, plan06, pokedex09, solar01, wishes11
Contribution #48 - Voted in kingdom_chorus Week 124 and got frown17
Contribution #47 - Voted in banner_contest Week 121 and got disney20, sharingan08
Contribution #46 - Submitted to xxxholic_still Week 142 and got phantom06, slacker19
Contribution #45 - Voted in anime_crops Week 110 and got jenova12
Activity - Voted in tcg_quiz Week 06 and got ballet15, digidestined10
Activity - Submitted to tcg_quiz Week 06 and got a Rank C Certificate as well as bow05, dove09, knit05
Contribution #44 - Voted in shounenicontest Week 36 and got writer14
Activity - Placed at title_awards Week 75 and got puu18, resist16
Contribution #43 - Voted in anime_eloquence Week 132 and got snake02
Contribution #42 - Submitted to anime_eloquence Week 132 and got jenova20, maou13
Activity - Placed at tcg_quiz Week 05 and got candy01, ise07, memory02, persocom18, trigger03
Activity - Placed at anime_icontext Week 39 and got deceit07
Contribution #41 - Voted at anime_icontext Week 39 and got lunar14
Contribution #40 - Submitted to anime_icontext Week 39 and got liek18, silent20
Contribution #39 - Voted at anime_icontext Week 38 and got souen16
Contribution #38 - Submitted to anime_icontext Week 38 and got abyssian02, dove12
Contribution #37 - Voted at manga_itest Week 48 and got jellopy60
Contribution #36 - Submitted to manga_itest Week 48 and got 10th10, pokedex119
Activity - Placed in anime_crops Week 109 and got booty15
Contribution #35 - Voted at title_awards Week 75 and got mafia11
Contribution #34 - Submitted to title_awards Week 75 and got gay15, tease04
Activity - Voted at tcg_quiz Week 05 and got ougi03, puu14
Activity - Reached Level 3 at tcg_exchange and got a Rank C Certificate plus adopted11, hosts09, zero09
Contribution #33 - Voted at anime_crops Week 109 and got boots14
Contribution #32 - Submitted to anime_crops Week 109 and got boots16, nobodies02
Contribution #31 - Voted at xxxholic_still Week 141 and got beloved13
Activity - Submitted to tcg_quiz Week 05 and got attack01, camora10, strahal10
Contribution #30 - Voted at game_abc Week E1 and got purity18
Contribution #29 - Submitted to game_abc Week E1 and got disguise13, puu19
Activity - Placed shounenicontest Week 35 and got job17
Contribution #28 - Voted at shounenicontest Week 35 and got berry04
Contribution #27 - Submitted to shounenicontest Week 35 and got fiance13, ougi05
Activity - Placed in shounenicontest Week 34 and got quest08
Contribution #26 - Voted at shounenicontest Week 34 and got neptune01
Contribution #25 - Submitted to shounenicontest Week 34 and got axe03, dolls20
Activity - Placed in tcg_quiz Week 04 and got berry12, jellopy53, pokedex89, sms08
Activity - Placed in title_awards Week 74 and got lock05
Contribution #24 - Voted at title_awards Week 74 and got four07
Contribution #23 - Submitted to title_awards Week 74 and got chaos09, plum17
November 2009
Activity - Voted at tcg_quiz Week 04 and got fanservice12, returners01
Contribution #22 - Voted at banner_contest Week 120 and got moon20, nun04
Activity - Placed in anime_crops Week 108 and got burn06, vino16
Contribution #21 - Voted at anime_crops Week 108 and got dog14
Contribution #20 - Submitted to anime_crops Week 108 and got pipe11, wishes08
Contribution #19 - Voted at kingdom_chorus Week 123 and got pan22
Contribution #18 - Submitted to kingdom_chorus Week 123 and got traitor12, warrior05
Contribution #17 - Voted at game_abc Week J1 and got friend17
Contribution #16 - Voted at anime_eloquence Week 131 and got cherry11
Activity - Submitted to tcg_quiz Week 04 and got a Rank C Certificate as well as job18, plan12, police20
Activity - Placed in anime_melee Week 82 (Hush) and got heart09, hunter13
Activity - Placed in anime_melee Week 82 (Lyrical) and got kendama19
Contribution #15 - Voted at anime_melee Week 82 and got loveless06, pan18
Contribution #14 - Submitted to anime_melee Week 82 and got hell04, perfect18, southern01
Contribution #13 - Voted at anime_icontext Week 37 and got adopted18
Activity - Reached Level 2 at tcg_exchange and got a Rank C Certificate plus cosplay03, lion06
Activity - Placed in tcg_quiz Week 03 and got honey10, resist12, plan20, positive10
Contribution #12 - Voted at shounenicontest Week 33 and got ise13
Activity - Placed in anime_crops Week 107 and got loveless09, straight03
Contribution #11 - Voted at banner_contest Week 119 and got espada08, legend07
Contribution #10 - Submitted to xxxholic_still Week 141 and got dino11, souen22
Contribution #09 - Voted at anime_crops Week 107 and got sinner02
Contribution #08 - Submitted to anime_crops Week 107 and got lancelot09, plum12
Activity - Voted at tcg_quiz Week 03 and got prodigy16, mafia19
Contribution #07 - Voted at anime_melee Week 81 and got light16, warrior01
Activity - Submitted to tcg_quiz Week 03 and got a Rank C Certificate plus gemini03, venus13, pokedex115
Contribution #06 - Voted at manga_itest Week 74 and got quest02
Contribution #05 - Voted at anime_eloquence Week 130 and got boots03
Contribution #04 - Voted at kingdom_chorus Week 122 and got shenlong03
Contribution #03 - Voted at anime_crops Week 106 and got colonel06
Contribution #02 - Voted at title_awards Week 73 and got illegal15
Activity Placed in tcg_quiz Week 02 and got right05, evil17, peach13, peace05, kaiser07 as well as quest54, loveless16, dolls06, pokedex124, nirvash18
Contribution #01 - Voted at xxxholic_still's Week 140 and got souen44
Activity - Voted at tcg_quiz Week 02 and got bure05, splat05
Activity - Submitted to tcg_quiz Week 02 and got a Rank C Certificate plus pizza16, pokedex141, psynergy07
Activity - Updated card post and got author06, distant02
Activity - Joined tcg_exchange and got ainu09, ballet08, creation16, four17, jailbait13, japan11, loveless19, revolver16, sharingan14, spirit02