Oct 02, 2008 15:48

So the other day I bought one of those puzzle variety magazine to pass the time, and It turns out that I'm a lot dumber than I thought I was. Below is a true account of what happened that morning.

I still can't believe I didn't see that one right in front of me. Also, I'm starting to REALLY like drawing 4-komas. It's something else to be able to deliver a punchline in only 4 panels!

The culprit

Also my new work BFF Karen told me about 'corpses' where apparently you fold a piece of paper in half and each person draws on any side without telling the other what it is. Pretty fun actually. We did a few.

i feel like pants

dr. andonuts' new creation

elizebethian gators

I think we must be psychically connected or something though, because all of our pictures seem to follow a certain theme, even though we didn't see each other's drawings...

Anyway, I'll post more sketches later.

god help me i am so stupid, art, uh what

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