good or bad?

Jun 17, 2010 12:55

So checking my inbox this morning I got a message from the holder of an eBay auction I had tried winning yesterday. The item in question was a 9x12 Intuos3 tablet. I was outbid yesterday, but apparently the winner of the auction accidently put the higher bid and wanted to withdraw their offer. Meaning I was next in line to get the tablet- I told the seller I'm still interested. I hope they haven't given it to someone else! But on the other hand...

There goes $315.00-  the rest of the money I had saved up from working... Its all gone now. Well, I told myself it was for a good cause, and it is... and I can't think of anything else I was going to buy with that money anyway. Wish I was still working.

I know I wanted an Intuos4 originally, but doing research brought up all kinds of not-so-nice words for the Intuos4's surface pane- because It's rougher (more aking to the feel of drawing on paper and not plastic), the nibs wear down a lot more quickly. I don't put much pressure on my tablets when drawing anyway, but I don't want to have to be constantly re-buying nibs and/or sheet plastic to protect the drawing surface. It's an extra expense I don't need. The Graphire lasted me 4+ years, I want this one to last me until I get out of school, which is about the same time. Than maybe I can upgrade to a Cintiq.
Also doing some measuring, I had wanted to settle for a 6x8, but it turns out that it would be too small for me. It's about the size of a sheet of paper cut in half. I want a little bigger of a working area this time. The Graphire I had was a 6x8 too, and one thing I could never do was big, broad strokes across the active surface area. Call it a habit from life drawing.

Now to wait for the response e-mail. I'm all tense.


Bought and paid for. Ouch, I felt a physical blow when I saw the 'payment complete' text. On It's way to Bakersfield now...

i want it, omgyay, i am sad

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