how did i get this job?

Mar 13, 2010 11:32

I was thinking about the art test they gave us and half the stuff I put was totally wrong. One of the questions they gave me- 'name 3 primary colors' and then 'name 3 secondary colors'.

My answers?

red, blue, green

cyan, magenta, yellow

orange, yellow, purple

It's very obvious I had no idea where the heck my mind was or I remembered anything from primary school. I'm on a site reading about color mixing and apparently the 3 primary colors are red, yellow, and blue. And the secondary colors are orange, purple and green.
Well, I had the right idea! Ehehe...
And when it came time for some group questions, I was asked to give 2 words to describe myself. What did I tell them?
"I'm tiny. And cold."

I guess I'm lucky my awesome sketchbook made up for my ever-present derpness.

Speaking about this job too, I spoke with dad earlier about him not selling the car he got for me. But It's a manual, and I don't have that much confidence driving manual yet. I'm on Youtube looking at videos on how to drive stick until then. ORZ

Also getting some money today! BUFFALO EXCHANGE, HERE I COME

god help me i am so stupid, its new, job hell

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