
Dec 29, 2009 00:13

I forgot to mention this, the other night I finally finished reading Fall to Pieces, by Mary Scott Weiland, by recommendation by my mother. Kind of fizzled out towards the end and I wanted to finish, but I'm still amazed at the depression that still follows these people that have everything in the world going for them- looks, money, etc. My mother buys lotto tickets religiously, but if we won, would we be the same people? More importantly, would we be happy?

I just thought I would mention this because later that night I dreamt I did heroin. It was one shot, and I was pressured into doing it. I can feel sensation/pain in my dreams* (a question on this below), and what I felt wasn't a rush of pleasure or anything that everyone describes. Rather I felt a combination of dizzy/extremely consumed by guilt for taking the thing.
Also in the mental institution with me was Charles Barkley. He was there because he was convinced he lost an important basketball game to a group of monkeys (hahaha). He was a junkie too.

But then after that I dreamt it was Halloween and the entire city dressed up and paraded. It was awesome. I probably dreamt about that because I recieved ComicCon 2010 tickets earlier in the day.

*Does this happen to everyone, or only select people? Is this lucid dreaming or a kind of it? Googling it is no whatsoever and I'm genuinly curious if other people experience it too.

what are my dreams trying to tell me, uh what

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