Tue, 16:27: RT @ tribelaw: If a General were to endanger our troops the way President Trump is callously and recklessly exposing them to attack through…
Tue, 17:36: RT @ Impolitics: God's little bellyacher Michele Bachmann offers as the proof that climate change is a fraud "the very covenant established…
Tue, 19:45: RT @ jbendery: In the middle of this Democratic debate, Trump just vetoed the Senate bill that would end his emergency declaration to get mo…
Tue, 19:48: RT @ psychdr100: Chants of "WAR"? Against who? Whistle blowers? Congress The majority of Americans who want Trump gone? Right-wing Pastor Ma…
Tue, 19:51: I support Harris. I support Warren. I support Biden. I support Sanders. I support anyone who has a (d) after his/he… https://t.co/SFJveGyJdk
Tue, 19:52: RT @ sandibachom: F**k YOU Rand Paul. Medicare isn’t welfare. I’m 75 Years old it’s my money I gave it to the government and they’ve been ma…