Other people are stupid and that makes me sad

Jan 21, 2010 17:45

Funny, these days, you can’t even inquire about a sick coworker who is out on extended medical leave because of privacy concerns, yet It’s okay to let random strangers at the TSA rifle through your belongings ( Read more... )

random stuff, political

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kitmarlowescot2 January 22 2010, 23:25:36 UTC
Okay, thanks. I was just worried about her. I just want to let her know that my mother was sorry to hear that Sam passed away too. And she said she wouldn't be surprised if the next year or so y'all end up with a dog just showing up out of nowhere, and it that it will be Sam who sent him or her to y'all. Because that is what happened to us, Lilith showed up out of nowhere after our last female cat died. And in the last ten years no other cat has showed up.
And thank you for replying to my comment. I know the pain won't ever go away, but the memories of Sam doing his hijinks and funny expressions might some day out weigh the pain, and she will be able to smile again thinking about Sam. I know he is probably in heaven right know eating all the cat food he wants and digging holes everywhere, and chasing cats who won't be mean back to him. And where he be the one thunderstorms are scared off, and he can chase them all off, like the times storms use to make him want to run off in fear. So good luck and I know it won't be long till he comes back to you in some form.


wildrider January 23 2010, 00:28:52 UTC
Yes, most of our pets have been of the "showed up and stayed" -- only the Once and Future Cat, Silhouette, was actually chosen and paid for at the Humane Society.

Sam was quite the character, that's for sure! And he was a very handsome dog in his youth. So resilient -- I can't imagine any other creature with a blood sugar spiking over 500 bouncing around like a puppy!


kitmarlowescot2 January 23 2010, 17:25:53 UTC
It's been the opposite for us, except for Lilith we have had to actively search for our pets. Acourse we tend to end up looking for a new cat in the middle of winter or very early spring like in March before kitten season for our area. A few people have given us pets, but the last one was Toby our first siamese and that was back in 1991. And Morgan our one ever dog we have yet had in my lifetime, is a papillon and they aren't cheap dogs. You rarely even find them in shelters. I was surprised to see Cairo was a stray, because he is a beautiful siamese and looked like a carbon copy of my own first siamese Toby. Acourse I love Traditional Siamese anyway, more than the more common ratlike ones they have know adays.


wildrider January 23 2010, 17:46:56 UTC
Early on we made trips to the Humane Society (or other shelters); Magnus, Kojiki, Damien, Spencer, and Silhouette all came from Shelters; my old cat, Lester, was actually adopted from a friend of my mother's who had kittens. Tom, Tocatta (sillymagpie's cat, adopted when she was living with us), Whisper, and a few others who came and went just turned up on our doorstep, Cairo was found in the parking lot at our old work. In the dog world, Sinji was one of the puppies my brother's dog Shotsie had, while Conan was found as a stray by a co-worker; and Sam was adopted by our old boss for his too-small-for-a-big-dog daughter, and he was just going to send him back to the shelter when we stepped in--poor Sam was then passed around through our office filled with bleeding hearts until he came to us, and there he stayed.


kitmarlowescot2 January 24 2010, 00:43:19 UTC
Oh so you didn't get Sam until he was an adult dog. I know he wasn't young, I figured he was about 11-13 years old. All the lab mixes I have know died around 11 or 13 years old. As I said Morgan is the only dog we have had in my lifetime. And we have had six cats, four of which have passed away. Cleo the first was the oldest she died when I was two and she was 18. I got Cleo the second when I was five from the petstore, she was my mother's cat, and mean as all hell. She lived for 13 years. I got cat Toby the siamese from a friend who couldn't keep him, but had a relative of his at age nine. Toby lived until Feburary 10, 2000, and passed away after a long battle dealing with his IBS and pancreastis disease. We then got Mckenzie and he was the most stupidest cat we ever had, not too bright a cat at all. He unfortunately passed away at four from seizures and a possible brain tumor. Higgins was a cat we took in grief two months after Toby died, and mostly for the fact that he was a siamese and the only one avaible. He went through about eight homes before he landed here, and know lives with my grandfather and is his cat. He is almost 15 and the second longest living cat we have ever owned. He is a cat version of Sam, loves to pee on things and is ornery to everyone but my grandfather who he loves to death. And he has almost had as many health issues as Sam, and right on schedule he is losing weight again and pooping the bed for some reason. But then he always flucated on his weight since we have gotten him. Until he starts throwing up or stops eating we just leave him alone. Then their is Lilith, she showed up in the middle of October two months after Cleo died, and lived for a week in the garage and two weeks at the vet until she came home. Morgan we got because my mother wanted a dog, and choose his breed. He was the puppy avaible and we fell in love with him. He's a pain, but part of the family. The first dog I have ever had, and really dogs are more like people than cats can be.


wildrider January 24 2010, 17:24:35 UTC
I'm not sure how old Sam was when we finally got him; he was maybe six, seven months old when Paul initially adopted him, all long-limbed oversized puppy with the same sunny disposition he had all his life. It was within the first few months that Paul decided he didn't want the dog after all and was just going to take him back when the office adopted him. He went home first with the office manager, then another girl who had dogs, then finally us.

Ah, we do love our animals!


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