Taking advantage of free Internets while I has them

Nov 15, 2008 07:33

I look like a poodle.

They're showing PuppyCam on the Today Show this morning. Danged Shiba Inu puppies are so DANGED cute, it's no wonder nutmeg3 adopted one.

Shuttle launch = awesome. Even from this distance, it was amazing. You could hear the pops and roar of the engine, even. And it was an absolutely beautiful launch, too.

I'm supposed to spend the day 1) waiting to get on the ship, 2) learning to be safe on the ship, and 3) eating on board the ship.

My period started. I have cramps. Hopefully it will pass swiftly. Advil, ahoy.

Words: 20,218

One problem with two suitcases: Everything I need is always in the other one. And somehow in all the packing and unpacking, I've ended up with NO t-shirts at all, only camisoles and dresses. Which isn't too bad, since it's warm outside, but it's COLD here in the hotel, of course.

Another cool Florida wildlife sighting: Vultures. Not sure what species; I don't have a bird book with me, but there are LOTS of them, everywhere (not just hanging around the multitude of roadkill); there were even three hanging out on one street sign together. And pelicans! Very nifty, pelicans, although I keep going to a "Finding Nemo" place when I see them... When we were in the aquarium area of Sea World there were kids at one tropical tank looking for Nemo and I pointed out the blue tang and said, "There's Dory, see?" They were pleased with that.

I have not seen an alligator.

I should probably pack up my stuff and get ready to go, although it's nice to have Mom sitting still for a change (she's reading). Maybe I can get a few more words down before we set out.

writing, animals, cruise

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