omega697. This started as a comment but it got kinda long and I decided it fit an entry better. Aie, these things drive me crazy. Misused apostrophes have long been a pet peeve of mine, but loose vs. lose has been steadily increasing in how much it raises my blood pressure. I think a lot of people don't realize that "lose" is even a word.
I also fully agree with what he says in the first paragraph. There are certainly things I say and do, especially with regards to punctuation, because I like it better. I use punctuation for clarity, not to cater to rules. If I have a quotation, I will only put the punctuation for it inside the quote if it doe not match the punctuation I would already use at the end of a sentence, contrary to proper English rules. Especially if the quotation ends with a question but my sentence is a statement. I will end with a question mark inside, and a period outside. My way is similar if not identical to the British method. I also tend to like double letters in words where a suffix is added, so I use them. I prefer "levelling" to "leveling", even though the latter is technically correct in American English. Take care, grammar nazis! (I also refuse to capitalize nazi when I am not referring to the historical political group, as I believe it has taken on its own meaning, even if it is allegorical, in modern language.)