quiz backlog

May 09, 2006 15:00

As I've been promising/warning you: Quizzes and such!

I hope I didn't post this before. It was saved as a text file here at work, and I try to get rid of them as I post them...

You Are the Peacemaker


You are emotionally stable and willing to find common ground with others.

Your friends and family often look to you to be the mediator when there is conflict.

You are easy going and accepting. You take things as they come.

Avoding conflict at all costs, you're content when things are calm.

What number are you?

Interesting. Moving on...

I had to reorder these numbers because someone presumably removed a bunch of questions. Jerk. Whoever you are (it wasn't froggandie, whom I stole it from).

1. Initials: ADE

2. When's your birthday: 521

3. Favorite fruit? a) Myself, b) My boy, c) Limes (they go well with alkie...), d) Raspberries, e) All of the above

4. For or against same sex marriage? Ha! Guess...

5. Are you allergic to anything? Penicillin. Other than that, unspecified allergies.

6. Have you ever slept in someone elses clothes? Boxers, yes. Possibly more, but I don't recall.

7. How many U.S states have you been to? As in, went to visit: 19+DC. Counting those driven through (possibly some rest stops, etc.): 25+DC. Counting where I've made a stop at an airport but not left the terminal: 33+DC.

8. How many of the U.S states have you lived in? 3 where I could have actually claimed residence (NJ, NY, TX)

9. Have you ever lived outside the U.S? Nope. A week visit is the longest I stayed in one place outside the country, and only 2 weeks away total for longest time out of the US (twice, both to Europe).

10. Name something physical you like about yourself? Feet.

11. Something non-physical you like about yourself? I'm SMRT.

12. Do you have any pets? No. I'd like to encourage those little geckos to take up residence, but I haven't figured out how to do so without also inviting spiders, bees, roaches, or other potential nasties.

13. What is your dream car? Erm... I'm not big on the whole flashy car thing. I rather like the one I have (Honda CR-V)

14. If you could go anywhere in the world where would you go? Quizzes always ask this, and I never have a good answer. I feel like I ought to answer something exotic, but I don't have any particular desire. Maybe Europe again? I do want to visit Canada again. I dunno. I like being able to speak some of the language, at least...

15. Have you ever had someone of the opposite sex sleep over? Yes.

16. Are you bipolar? Yeah, I think so.

17. What dream car do you want your spouse to drive? Why should I care? Aside from being able to drive it myself if necessary, and not have it guzzle gas. I like sitting up high, but hell it's his car, not mine.

18. Where would you want to go on a first date? Wherever. Alamo Drafthouse is nifty. I don't have many dates though, ya know.

19. Would you date the person who posted this before you? No, sorry. Not my type. I don't see it working out very well ;)

20. Has anyone ever sang or played for you personally? Yes. My first girlfriend sang that "Killing Me Softly" song for me accompanied on guitar. And Phils, during practice, because I've requested songs while sitting in since graduating.

21. Do you like president Bush? ... (that's me glaring at whomever asked)

22. Have you ever bungee jumped? Nipe.

23. Have you ever white water rafted? Yes! Fun.

24. Has anyone ten years older than you ever hit on you? Yeah, I think so. Andersen Phan. He's v. v. creepy.

25. Are you racist? Everyone's a little racist :P But I try very hard not to be.

26.What song are you listening to right now? N/A

27. What was the last movie you watched? V for Vendetta

28. Where was the last place you went besides your house? Cubicle farm.

29. Have you ever seriously vandalized someone else's property? Nipe.

30. Have you ever hit on someone of the same sex? I hit on everyone. But I am usually more serious when I hit on the same sex...

31. What's the first thing you notice about the opposite sex? Attitude. Some women are either really shallow and stupid or really bitchy--or both--and I try to avoid them. But so as not to give the wrong impression: I tend to be more comfortable meeting women than men. As long as they pass the aforementioned moron/bitch screening.

32. What's the first thing you notice about the same sex? To be fair, I kinda assess the same thing as in the last question at the same time as looks in general (particularly hair). But if they have their shirt off (or pulled up at all) my eyes go immediately to the torso, especially stomach, before they then proceed to other judgements :)

33. What's your favorite body part on the opposite sex? Boobs. They're nifty.

34. What's your favorite body part on the same sex? Well... there are certain things that are fun to play with. But beyond that, abs. If they're visible, I get all hot and bothered :P

35. What do you usually order from Starbucks? Chai tea latte (given that I've only been there like twice and I love chai...)

36. Say something totally random about yourself: My elbows hyperextend.

37. Do you have an iPod? Mini. Silver.

38. Has anyone ever said you looked like a celebrity? Not really, no.

39. Do you have freckles? I used to have lots. Now I just get them in the sun.

40. Are you comfortable with your height? I've resigned myself to it, but back when I was still growing I would have killed for just one more inch (6 feet is such a nice round number...)

41. Do you like someone right now? Of course I do. I like lots of people. If we're talking middle school like, well, yes, that too. But y'all knew that.

42. How tall are you? Read 2 questions ago and figure it out. It's not hard.

43. Do you speak any other language other than English? French, though not fluently. Basic German. A smattering of others not really worth mentioning. Lots of others on my list to learn.

44. Have you ever ridden in a limo? Yes. My sister's wedding and on the way to the prom. I think we walked for my brother's wedding (it was in NYC, and not far from where we were staying).

45. Has anyone you were really close to you passed away? Hmm. Not really, unless you count my cats. My grandfather passed away, but I wasn't particularly close to him (we always lived far apart, etc.). Nor was I close to the various friends of the family or aquaintences who have died.

46. What's something that really annoys you? Misused apostrophes and bad drivers compete for the #1 slot.

47. What are some things you really like? Erm... sleep, good food, good movies, well made video games.

48. Do you like Michael Jackson? His music, yes. As a person, he's very creepy.

49. Do you think you already know the person you wanna marry? Yah, pretty sure.

50. Can you touch your nose with your tongue? I trained myself to do so. Silly, huh?

51. Do you know how to pump gas? Yes. It's not hard to figure out, even if you did live in Jersey.

52. Do you drive? Often. Including driving other people. Nuts.

53. Do you have any tattoos? Nipe.

54. Any piercings? Nipe. I feel like I missed the boat on that one. Maybe if I manage to sufficiently and successfully change my image...

55. Were you ever rushed by an ambulance into the emergency room? By an ambulance... no. By car, yes.

56. Have you ever been dared to do something you didn't want to do? Yes. And I'm sure I did some of them. Meh.

57. Do you love someone? Wait, I thought that was the middle school "like" in that other question. If not, what the hell kind of question is that? Anyway, yes. Kinda goes along with the "like" question and the "who you'll marry" question, in my opinion.

Cool! Hope some people grab that one and fill it out. I love reading quizzes :D

So, here's this meme where you look up your birthday on Wikipedia and choose interesting things that happened on that date in various years, in the categories of "events", "births" and "deaths". I did 5, 4, and 3, respectively. I don't remember what the original meme said to do. I'm not one to strictly follow meme instructions anyway.

1881 - The American Red Cross is established by Clara Barton.
1927 - Charles Lindbergh touchs down at Le Bourget Field in Paris, completing the world's first solo nonstop flight across the Atlantic Ocean.
1932 - Amelia Earhart, because of bad weather, lands in a pasture in Derry, Northern Ireland, becoming the first woman to fly solo across the Atlantic Ocean.
1980 - Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back opens in theaters.
2004 - Stanislav Petrov is awarded the World Citizen Award for averting a potential World War III in 1983

427 BC - Plato, Greek philosopher (d. 347 BC)
1688 - Alexander Pope, English poet (d. 1744)
1904 - Fats Waller, American pianist (d. 1943)
1952 - Mr. T, American actor

1542 - Hernando de Soto, Spanish explorer
1935 - Jane Addams, American social worker, recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize (b. 1860)
2000 - Sir John Gielgud, British actor (b. 1904)

Cool. Okay, moving onward again...

And now for the MOST SEXIST QUIZ EVER! And in contention for "worst quiz ever" too. I took it partially cuz it's fun, but also partially to make fun of it.

Take this quiz and find out how girly you are. (GUYS TOO) Put x's beside each thing that's true. Each x that you put is one percent. Have fun!!

[ ] my fingernails/toenails are almost always painted
[ ] during the summer pretty much the only shoes i wear are flip flops
[ ] my favorite toy as a child were barbies
[ ] my favorite color is pink or purple
[ ] i did/do Gymnastics
[ ] i love skirts
[ ] hollister is my favorite place to shop
[ ] tight jeans are the only jeans i'll wear
[x] i love chocolate
[ ] i've never had a real job

[ ] my hair is straightened
[ ] i have at least 7 myspace pictures
[x] i usually go shopping once a week (for food... pretty much never clothes)
[ ] i love to hang out at the mall with friends
[ ] i have a real diamond ring or diamond necklace
[ ] i've gone to a tanning salon
[ ] i go to the beach to tan - not to swim
[ ] i have at least 10 pairs of shoes (not currently! wow!)
[ ] i watch either the OC or Laguna Beach
[ ] i change my icon weekly
[ ] i wear a shower cap

[ ] i would NEVER step foot into Hot Topic
[ ] my cell phone might as well become a part of me (sure i always carry it around, but i don't use it much)
[ ] i wear mascara everyday
[x] i've been or am on a diet
[ ] bathing suits are adorable (i do find board shorts attractive, but i wouldn't say adorable.)
[ ] i dont know the difference between a sheep and a goat. (WTF?!?)
[ ] big sunglasses are hott
[ ] i have gotten my nails done
[ ] i own over 10 purses
[ ] MTV is my one of my favorite channels

[x] all i want to do at sleepovers is talk about boys (leaving in Burfy's comment here because it still applies: in my imaginary gay sleepover world this is what we'd do)
[x] i love to have other girls do my hair (if i had enough hair to "do", i would. but that will not happen again for a while, methinks.)
[x] i give and receive hugs from my friends
[/] i hate bugs, snakes, lizards, spiders (that's half an x. i like snakes and lizards, i hate bugs and spiders.)
[ ] carnivals are so fun!!
[ ] summer is THE best season
[ ] my swimsuit has 2 pieces
[ ] im waiting for my knight in shining armor
[x] musicians are so hot (meh... some of them.)
[ ] you write me a poem or tell me im beautiful and im all yours (it certainly doesn't hurt, but i'm not a total milksop.)

[x] i am self-conscious.
[ ] i cry often
[ ] my car smells like vanilla (though it'd be nice if it did)
[ ] my dishes get washed more then once a week (HA!)
[x] i dont do sports (but it would be more fun had they kept the valley-girl and said "I don't DO sports!"
[ ] i HATE to run
[ ] i squeal when i am surprised or angry (i hope not. i seriously try not to. i tend to shout obscenities rather than squeal, actually.)
[x] i eat dried fruit as a snack
[ ] i love romance novels
[ ] Drew Barrymore is so cute

[ ] i dance a lot. (i only dance occasionally, not a lot. and it depends very much on the music and who's watching ^_^)
[x] i usually spend over an hour to get ready to leave my house
[ ] i only have like 5 billion hair products
[ ] i love to get dressed up.
[x] every part of my outfit needs to match
[ ] i talk on the phone at least once a day to my friends
[ ] i would love to have a photo shoot of myself (well maybe i'd finally get some good pics of me--but i wouldn't want to go to the trouble)
[ ] price on clothes hardly matters
[ ] i apply lip gloss 200 times a day (leaving this comment cuz it's funny: they should have a box that says, "I over-exaggerate the f*** out of everything because I think it's cute and feminine to not know how to count", and the makers of this quiz could mark it and giggle)
[ ] i wish i were a model

[ ] i wish i could meet Paris Hilton
[x] i have been something that was semi slutty on halloween (NOD anyone?)
[ ] i own Uggs (wtf is that?)
[ ] Hip Hop is the best music
[ ] i pop my collar (hunh?)
[ ] i like to be the center of attention
[ ] guys with Mohawks are crazy
[x] horses are beautiful (they're not my favorite animal, but there is a certain sleek grace involved.)
[x] i'd rather not pay attention in school (were i able to do that and still get a sufficient education, hell yeah. just be stupid, no thanks.)
[x] cats are adorable

[ ] i write poems or my own music (i have written poems, but i don't do it regularly enough to say it's something i "do", as in an ongoing thing)
[x] i love it when a guy/girl wears good smelling cologne/perfume (as long as they don't wear too much. i'm a real sucker for scent, though)
[x] i can get very jealous (but usually not as much over relationships as other things)
[x] i would love to visit Hawaii (who wouldn't?)
[ ] Valentine's day is SO CUTE! (barf.)
[ ] white is better then black (hell no)
[ ] i wouldn't be caught dead in all black (shut up, miss teen ditz 2006)
[x] my closet is full of clothes (i mean, there's some boxes and stuff, but it's mainly clothes... that's where one KEEPS clothes, unless they're in a drawer. right? i mean seriously GUYS HANG SHIRTS IN CLOSETS TOO!)
[ ] i hate the grunge look of a beard (i like grunge. i like beards on the right people. so even though this was a poor question, i can still answer it appropriately.)
[ ] i love to read gossip magazines (why?)

[x] i love to gossip (though i make every effort to refrain when necessary)
[ ] I had Lisa Frank folders, posters as a kid (who?)
[ ] i love Celine dion (hahahaha Skippy, care for a singalong?)
[ ] My bubble baths are 3 hr long (i have not had a bubble bath seriously in a DECADE.)
[ ] my wedding only needs a groom because it's already planned (vomit^3)
[x] my friends and i are in a strict group. we mostly only hang out with each other (i disagree with the wording, because that makes it sound like a clique. we're not exclusive. but it HAPPENS that we mostly only hang out with each other.)
[ ] i like kids (i could get used to them, but at this point in my life i'm too easily annoyed.)
[x] diet drinks are the best
[ ] i'm all about being vegetarian
[ ] i refuse to eat at McDonalds (i used to, just by circumstance, during college. i'll now eat there occasionally, but only if convenient, i will not go out of my way or specifically select it.)

[ ] i check my myspace everyday.
[ ] i LOVE life! (it's okay. i'm not going to shout about it, though.)
[ ] i have a lot of jewlery!
[x] claires has cheap jewlery (further proof that this quiz is so bad it's awesome. we're just voting on whether things are true or not. as i've never been to claire's, i wouldn't know, so i'm not 'x'ing it.)
[ ] my screen names have x's in them
[ ] either one of my myspace names has/had in them (lol wtf)
[x] i would never want to be the opposite sex (if this quiz were actually an indicator of what it's like to be a female, it ought to be a mortal fear...)
[x] it's not what he/she said it's the way he/she said it (usually.)
[ ] i have more than 3 pillows on my bed

GRAND TOTAL: 26.5% girly. According to them. Whoever "they" are. Frickin' idiots.

That's all I've got for now. I was gonna update a "post the first 25 songs that come up on a random playlist" again (I've done that one at least once before) but my iPod's dead. Not dead-dead, just out of batteries. But my charger's at home. Sadness! Oh well. Some other time, I guess. Real update sometime. When I feel like it, really. Maybe right away. Whatever.

quizzes, memes, surveys

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