Apr 11, 2006 17:33
Far too often I see grammar mistakes in official communications from those in positions where they really ought to know better. This post is just to vent my frustration at this trend.
Seriously, people need to learn to read what they write out loud. If it sounds wrong, it probably is wrong. Sure, sometimes I'm a stickler for the little details, but that's not what I'm talking about here. I'm talking about egregious they-make-me-want-to-stab-my-eyes-out errors. I respect the fact that the English language is complicated; the rules are silly half the time and there are lots of little snags to catch you. But for crying out loud, learn to construct a basic sentence!
Ugh. Rant complete. We now return you to your regularly scheduled friends page.
ps- I'm in the process of writing an update, but I don't know when it'll be done. It's another long one. I swear one day I'll learn to update more often to make it easier on myself. One day.