nooooooo, lj!!

Jan 20, 2006 14:38

Evil scriptkiddies led LJ devs to try and "fix" the problem. Which I guess they did, but they also slowed the site down to a crawl and broke things! *cries*

But whoever's reading this made it through, I guess. So that's good. You get a quiz!

This quiz is very similar to the last one I did. I've removed the questions that are exactly the same, unless I had a new answer for them.

1. When you looked at yourself in the mirror today, what was behind you? Nothing but the bathroom wall.

2. How much cash did you spend yesterday? Cash? None. I don't carry cash unless I must. I spent about $5 otherwise.

3. What's a word that rhymes with mist? Fist.

4. Favorite planet, which you would live at, if you could? Well, see, ignoring environmental problems and assuming I could bring friends and wouldn't be alone or with some science team, Venus. But I like nature too much to live in some bubble colony. It would have to be terraformed. And then there's the proximity to the sun making it inhabitable due to temperature. But let's assume that was solved somehow too. See? I'm particular. They'd have to solve a lot to get me to willingly leave this planet.

5. Who is the Last person you kissed? Not telling this audience.

6. What is your favorite ringtone on your phone? "Spooky".

7. What kinda underwear are you wearing? Medium grey boxer briefs, the older ones. They're slightly too big to be sexy.

8. What do you think of yourself? How does one answer this? Cuz, like, I could answer according to various aspects of myself (physical, mental, emotional...) and take about an hour and multiple paragraphs. How about I just say this: I think fairly well of myself but I've got plenty of faults.

9. [Removed. I'm wearing my new brown Sketchers again today.]

10. Night light or pitch black? PITCH BLACK. I never get it in Austin, though :-/

11. What do you think about the (previous) person who took this survey? [Repeat question, but different person thus different answer.] She's fun. A little crazy at times, but then so am I.

13. What were you doing at midnight last night? [Another repeat, another new answer.] Midnight... playing WoW. Don't know if the group had disbanded by then or not, so I might have been playing with the guild or I might have been playing alone.

14. What did your last text message you received on your cell say? [Repeat, but new message.] "Running a little late. Be there soon." Or something similar. Can't tell you exactly, since I deleted it.

15. Where is the nearest Valero? Yeah, I'll echo Kungpo Wandie on this one: Who the fuck cares? There are several other stations nearby. Is Valero even in Austin? I know they're in Houston...

16. What's a saying that you say a lot? [Repeat, adding to previous answer.] I said last time I cuss a lot. But also, I hedge. "Or something like that"... or something like that :)

17.Who told you they loved you last? Mah boi :)

18. Last furry thing you touched? Furry?! Oh, um, I guess that's not such a strange question. The answer is Pax :)

19. How Many Drugs Have You Done In The Past three Days? [Repeat question, but I realized that last time I answered as if it had asked "ever". So now I'm answering what it asked!] Erm... zero. Haven't had a headache. Unless you're considering alcohol a drug. In which case I've done 4 bottles of drugs ;)

20. [Repeat question.]

21. Favorite age you have been so far? [Repeat. Let me clarify.] I've liked every age when I was that age since 7th grade (before then, not so much).

22. [Repeat.]

23. [Repeat.]

24. What was the last thing you said to someone? [Repeat, new answer.] I told my boss, who's "not actually here" today, "just wanted to set your mind at ease, I logged into Armada, and it's correct." To which he replied, "thanks, I'll sleep better tonight!" Hehe.

25. How do you like your eggs? Were health, cost, and preperation not an issue, Benedict. That I would choose to make for myself and eat more than like once a year, in a ham and sharp white cheddar omelette.

26. Do you like someone? [Almost a repeat, but I re-answered.] Sure, I like my friends. Oh, you mean like-like? Like middle school like? *giggles* Yeah... *blushes* he's my boyfriend! Plus I have crushes on various people, but they're not worth any more than this brief mention :)

27. The last song you listened to? Pandora is currently playing "Tiny Brains" by Innaway. I'm going to leave it unrated.

28. Tombstone, urn, marker, wooden cross, forgotten grave, or what? Cremation, but no urn. Spread in a/various meaningful place(s).

So yeah, I've been promising an update. Lessee. The New Year's Party was a lot of fun. I wasn't terribly social, and probably didn't spend as much time with Jason as I should have (especially given that we hadn't seen each other in a month!) but he didn't seem to mind that much. And I'm really happy and comfortable with our relationship, so that's good. Anyway. Most of the time I was at Chez Gregory I was playing video games, which suited me just fine! Helped them unlock stages and characters on Smash. And now am doing that for myself, as I got a new white (huge) memory card to replace the old one that got lost. That also means all my other old Gamecube data is gone too, such as Metroid Prime (1&2) and Zelda. Grar. But not a huge deal.

Following the party, Jason and I were very much ready to be away from people, so I kept mostly to myself for a week or two. I went "off people" gradually, though, by reducing my people count and encounter frequency gradually. Like, I went to watch the Rose Bowl and play WoW at destroyerj's place with 5 people total (carted my computer over, which was pretty cool), then hung around with David and Greg separately a little later making 3, then stayed alone for a while :) Then things returned to normal with typical game nights, eventually Magic nights, and eventually guild nights. Also visited Houston last weekend. So, I'll update on those last few things. Let me remind you that partly, this journal is for my own memory. If you find any of these particularly uninteresting or offensive *coughcough*... well, no one's making you read ;)

Game nights:
1) Haunspergers for Teresa's birthday. Fun! Nummy cake. Played something fun... which was it? Seafarers? No, that was at Jonathan's place while quijax was still there. Oh yeah, that reminds me, it was good to see her and blamantin again after having only spent a small amount of time around each of them previously. Also was wonderful to see Andrea Lubawy! And cool to see Stanton again, too (even if I still am not a big fan of blue sparks ;-P). Anyway, back to game night at Haunspergers. We played... Alhambra! Yes. That's what we played. Was fun, despite not winning (which for me, means it musta been a good game). Was that the only thing we played? Don't remember.
2) Greg's. Sat around and talked for most of it. Got to meet Matthew, finally! Played Ticket to Ride. Whee! I won. After most of the crowd left, I stayed as I often do when it's at G&D's (guys, if I'm overstaying my welcome, lemme know...) and we watched some Simpsons and Daily Show. Fun.

Magic nights:
1) IPA draft. Interesting stuff with multiple color decks. Cards with bonuses for number of basic lands under control, mana fixing, etc. I ended up with a deck that wasn't terribly good, but was interesting. Not focused enough, was its problem. But a fun night anyway.
2) Kamigawa draft! I came up with a pretty good deck. It still lost 4 out of 5 games, but at least it had a chance. And it was a fun deck to play, which is what really matters. Stompy stompy green spiritcraft! Whee! Beware my Promised Kannushi :) And even when we undraft, I've got some good stuff coming to me.

Guild nights:
I don't have a discrete report on this one like the others, but some Scarlet Monastery happened finally, which was good times. Aesil got Sergeant rank, level 40, and his pretty black kitty mount! Managed to ding 41 last night, too. I'm having a blast just totally kicking ass in Desolace now (finished up the last of my quests there last night). I even wail on 48s and 49s in the BGs! If they don't attack me back >.> Of course as soon as we go to Ferelas I'm going to be weak again, but whatever. Good times all the same! Also, I've started an Undead Warlock on the PvP server Gul'dan, and we currently have a guild charter for My Little Pwnies! Hehehehehe.... Oh, and I'm trying to level up my paladin, Nalai, so that she can be ready for BFD soon.

This past weekend:
Left at about 6, hit some traffic just outside of Austin, got to Jason's at about 9:15 with a pretty bad headache. I had eaten a 6" Subway meal on the way, but Jason and Skippy and Jenn hadn't eaten, so we decided to go out to Two Rows. I was unsure of whether I should go, with the headache (a migraine... I rarely get other kinds, and they're comparatively so mild that I almost never mention them), but I took some gelcaps (since they work quickest) and went. Luckily, once I arrived my headache disappeared very quickly :) I think my food just needed time to settle (I hadn't eaten much that day, and not eating always causes me migraines). Anyway. Good food, lots of laughs. Went back, slept.

Saturday morning Jason and I slept in a little, then watched some Wonderfalls and had a brunch of... cabbage and carrots (kinda coleslaw without the dressing) and brussels sprouts. Yeah... hmm. It was edible. But it was good to have good for us food, because we then went to Skippy and Jenn's place to watch football, and she was busy most of the time making things with which we could stuff our faces. Over the course of the 3 games there were: wings which I didn't eat*; cream cheese jalapeño poppers; avacado, cream cheese, and hot pepper jelly on french bread roulades; NY Pizzeria pizza (mushrooms and garlic, mmmmmmm!); zucchini fritters; chips & queso; super-nummy coconut cupcakes (and LOTS of them!); and cheese and crackers and more pepper jelly/balsamic fig jelly. Gosh. Way too much food. And I'm supposedly on a quasi-diet? Yipe. Saturday's games were not so happy. I was rooting for the Redskins, as is typical when I pay any attention to football at all, and Skip was rooting for the Patriots. So yeah, not such happy results for us. But we did some drinking and Smashing and brief hot-tubbing, andstayed the night (their new place is beautiful and they have a guest bed!).

Got up in the morning for more fun: the Steelers game! First we had some cinnamon rolls (OMG it had been too long, but now I want more!) and cheese danish. The game was awesome. Steelers won, it was an amazing fourth quarter (though it shouldn't have been as close as it was and Pete Morelli is now on The Boat) and Mike was loudly happy :) Played a very short bit of victory Smash, then packed up and headed back to Jason's place to clean up and grab my stuff before going to pick up my highschool friend Suki (schnerf) at the airport, who was in town for a fencing tournament. Very cool! Hadn't seen her since high school, though I've kept very rough tabs on her via LJ. Took her to the Black Walnut Cafe and afterwards to Amy's. Mmmmmmm. Then dropped her off at her hotel, and I dropped Jason off at his apartment before I skedaddled back to Austin. It was already 8pm. Made good time and got in at 10:30. Played a little WoW and slept. Mmm, sleep.

Lessee... not much else. One major thing done at work, only about 10,000 others still on my plate, but at least I'm not really stressed. Finished A Wrinkle in Time and its first two sequels, A Wind in the Door and A Swiftly Tilting Planet in the last week or so. Have started the next (and final) one, Many Waters. They're not my favorite books I've ever read, but they keep my interest and they're a quick and easy read. Don't have to think very hard to keep track of characters and all, the way I do with my favorite series. So they're very good on that count. Also do well as "I've got a few minutes here and there" books, which my other series don't. Yeah. Um... that's all. I need to go talk to a guy and do my weekly. Cheers!

*I wanted to eat them, but I'm trying to go pescetarian (that's vegetarian plus seafood) for a month. I started at dinner on the 5th and have kept it up so far, so it's going pretty well. My reasons were: 1) See if I could. 2) Try it out and see if it would be a feasible lifestyle. 3) Try to be a little more healthy/lose weight. 4) Force myself to cook more. Well, the results thus far: 1) I can. 2) Nah. I miss meat too much. I could certainly reduce my meat intake by a lot, but not cut it entirely, even with fish. 3) I feel pretty darn good, and while I've only lost a couple pounds, it's staying at the lower weight that I came back from NY with. So that's something. And 4) I'm cooking more, but still being lazy sometimes. It's a lot of work! Easier when I keep clean dishes and knives available... >.> I've had some pretty darn good meals, though. And I'm probably saving money, though I haven't tallied up and checked. And above all, it's fun and interesting (to me, anyway!). So yeah. Cool. Now ya know, if you didn't already.

game_night, migraine, wow, update, quizzes, work, books, music, magic

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