new vocab + mini update

Sep 23, 2005 10:48

I love Defective Yeti. Some of the best stuff there is when he tries to insert new words into the general public's vocabulary. I'm totally with him on this quest, and thus I suggest you all go to this page, educate yourselves, and begin using them forthwith.

So, last night I went home from work slightly early (5:30 is early on a day when I don't have my exercise class), and went to the store. Allow me to rant for a moment. I'll even give t an opening rant tag this time, since it's an expected rant!

Stupid, stupid people. STOP FREAKING OUT! So, there was no regular bread (I got one of the last packages of wheat sub rolls), no milk, no eggs, very few veggies, no bananas, very little orange juice (and none of the kind I like), very little other juice... thankfully, there were plenty of rotisserie chickens, so at least I had DINNER. Dammit, they're forecasting for us to get 30mph winds and one inch of rain. OOOOOH, SO SCARY! GET A FRICKIN' GRIP, PEOPLE! I just wanted to do my weekly grocery shopping, and I couldn't whatsoever. I also waited at least fifteen minutes in an express lane. When I got there, there were only 3 people in front of me. But it was a frickin' trainee who couldn't weigh vegetables correctly and it took him about 10 minutes to ring up this one guy who had two 12-packs of beer. The line built up to about 15 people before I got through. There was an amazingly huge black woman behind me who was laughing along with me and really friendly. She told me it took her 2 hours to drive from northeast Austin to northwest Austin. I'm wondering what roads she took, because they didn't seem that bad when I headed back out. But anyway, regarding the checkou line: good God, HEB, don't put clueless old man trainee checkers in the express lane! I mean, I didn't have anywhere to be, particularly, but still... I basically was grinning and laughing like a moron the whole time I was in the store, though, despite all this. People probably thought I was high. Because it was so ridiculous that I couldn't even be mad. It was just too funny to be mad at. I can't believe how asinine people can be.

So, I got back home, got Austen's messages saying he was bumped to an earlier flight, cut up some of my rotisserie chicken, threw together one of those Near East packages of couscous that are so good (this one was tomato lentil, and I will SO be getting that flavor again), and ate my dinner. Which tasted delicious, especially since I hadn't eaten lunch (again). Then I popped on WoW briefly to say hi to people and to tell them I had to go pick up Austen. Then I suited that claim and headed down 183 to Mopac to 71, which had no higher traffic than usual. Watied there for a little under an hour, had to call Austen from a pay phone since I couldn't find him and my phone was at home, charging. I should have just gone downstairs and looked. Oh well. So then we went back, listening to iPods on the way (his and mine). Traffic was a little heavier than usual on the non-freeway part of 71, but it only took about 45 minutes to get home, which was way better than the 3 hours I was predicting! So then I went on WoW, played very briefly (both my characters are now ready to quest in Ashenvale, though a few levels behind everyone else, apparently), then went to bed. I was minorly freaked, because it was doing some weird graphical stuff. Some problems around the cursor, some mis-drawn bitmaps, etc. Same things it was doing before the old card failed. So I went into display properties, lowered the video acceleration by two clicks, and turned off "hardware cursor" in-game. It now runs smoothly again. I'll keep an eye on it, but it looks okay. I may even be able to kick the resolution up up above 1280x1024, but that is yet to be seen.

Jason got in to his dad's place at around 1am after 15 hours on the road, in case you missed his post. I can't imagine. And strangle, I can't call Jenn, because apparently they aren't letting you call into Houston area codes right now. Bah. She's not even in Houston! Um... so yeah, so far everyone I know has a fairly safe location to stay, even if it's in Houston. I hope that trend continues.

I had eggs with shredded cheddar and sausage patties this morning. Mmmmmmm. The sausage was really good, I've gotta check the label and see what it was. Also, I'm in a much more stable and happy mood today. I mean, given that my compy's fixed, I got to play at least a short time in WoW, and my friends are safe (the uncertainty's over), I certainly ought to be better. Now let's see if I can catch up on work...

I hope there's a party this weekend, but I know I'm certainly not up to hosting it, so I wouldn't blame anyone if it doesn't happen. Anyway. Happy vibes to everyone out there! Adiaŭ.

computer, links, wow, vocab, mental_issues, rant, update

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