This entry jumps around a lot. Mostly, it's just a generic update.
It seems like nothing's working today. Due to power outages last night (or at least I assume that was related) we all had various different problems getting our systems working this morning. I finally had a successful login at 12:05... just in time for lunch! Which was Fuddruckers, and was tasty. It was kinda funny, because Florence and I couldn't log in (and I had several problems even getting to the login prompt), while Vernon and Mike could log in but couldn't really do anything. At least Mike could use Windows, so he could do a little work using PowerPoint, and could surf the web. I was completely unable to do anything. I played some magnetic darts, chatted with Florence (apparently she's from Colorado and went to CU), played some pool with Mike, read part of a Wired... yeah. Productive, huh? I swear, every time even a hint of an electrical storm comes around, we lose power. Which is just freaky, since I live about two miles down the road and I've had maybe one power outage at my apartment in the year I've lived there. Lately, because there have been so many outages of length, the UPS batteries have failed and compounded the problem. We're getting replacements now, but man... not good stuff.
Wednesday night I went to a concert with
vintagehandbag. It was downtown 6th Street at a place called the Parish. I paid for drinks, which halved my debt to
vintagehandbag (she paid for movie tickets for Jason and me a while ago). Have I ever mentioned that I hate ordering drinks when I go out? See, I don't have a drink that is "my drink", therefore it is stressful to me to come up with a choice and either pick something arbitrary or look like an idiot. This time I chose the former, and the first thing that popped into mind was a screwdriver, so I got that. Feeling rather pansy doing it. But actually, it was remarkably good. Must've been good vodka (not necessarily smooth; that I couldn't tell since mixed drinks mask it, but good flavor), especially since I got a vodka tonic later and enjoyed that as well. I've been on a vodka kick lately for no particular reason.
So, after we got drinks the opening band started to play. It was not my typical music, as all of them (two openers and the headliner) were, to varying degrees, "noise bands". Driving rhythm, lots of percussion, sometimes atonal, obligatory guitar... definitely both odd and interesting. The first band I rather enjoyed, the second was incredibly repetative and thus not very pleasing past the first song, and the third was pretty good as far as I remember, but I was already slightly fuzzy from the alkie (he put easily 2 shots of vodka into both drinks, maybe more) and remarkably tired. Kinda sucky... I was really falling asleep. Like literally I think I dozed off a couple times, and felt bad for being such a bad concert companion, but I couldn't help it. Partly it was that with nothing to necessarily follow in the music, it was easy to get lost and just nod off. I was amused, though, as the third band did indeed put on a good show, as Carly said they would. They didn't take themselves too seriously and were clearly having fun with it.
All in all, not something I'd run out and see at the drop of a hat, but a good experience and fine for a night's entertainment.
Last night was fajitas and FFX-2 with
djedi (
gregstoll was at rehearsal until 9, then he was there too). We finished the Chocobo Ranch missions, which means we're ready to jump in the holes! About frickin' time! We've been stuck on 93% forever! Well, actually, we're STILL at 93%, but at least we've got stuff accomplished such that we can move on and do stuff that IS worth percentage points.
Skip this paragraph if you don't care about WoW: I've been Manina, my dwarven hunter, for the last couple of days. Not gotten to play very long either day, but whatever. She's a lot of fun. I've been having some problems soloing with her lately, but I think they'll be partially solved when I level up a bit more. Which leads me to mention, I think Blizzard has done a good job with keeping classes fairly well balanced on average, but also making play experience somewhat varied. No two classes are alike enough that you wouldn't want to play one because you feel like you've already gotten the experience with another. Even with the druid, who kinda borrows from other classes, it's a different experience. Speaking of which, I have yet to play a rogue for exactly this reason: that way, when
gregstoll, and
destroyerj and I start up playing, it'll be a new and varied experience that will make me want to keep playing my group character with them despite having ventured into the WoW previously.
And that's that. Oh, I've got what I think must be a spider bite on my upper right arm. It hurts. Gar. Tonight I'm helping out with the Gala performance of ASMC, which I ought to leave for pretty soon if I wanna be on time. Which I do. I always want to be on time, I just rarely am ;) Anyway, I'm off. Ciao!
*Why do I always have music playing in my head, and yet as soon as I read the box prompting me for "Music:" it darts away like some sort of frantic, furtive, fast, furry forest creature? Grr.