Oct 22, 2004 15:31
oooooooooook, well im a horrible person as of right now, care to know why? perhaps its because i didnt call john for the past 4 mornings before school, we arent dating, let me remind you, not only that, but ok, im not going to lie, i DID promise him id call him, but point being is that i got dressed up the past 4 days...ASK ANYONE at LM they can tell you i dont dress up a lot for school, and i did because someone made a bet with me that i couldnt do it lol, beecause i LOVE to sleep in, well point being is that, i didnt have enough time, and i didnt do it in the car cuz i dont want to make kelsey mad, shes nice enought to take me to school, and its her car, she DOESNT want to listen to our fkin conversations...i know i DEF wouldnt! but whatever, im a horrible person because of this, i mean it TOTALLY tops ever lying to me about having sex with chelsey, and lying to me about kim, and lying to me about doing drugs...i mean not calling him in the morning is the ABSOLUTE worse thing that could EVER possibley happen....honestly COME ON NOW, MAYBE IN 2ND GRADE THAT WOULD BE A BIG DEAL...asjdflkd whatever, so last night john decides hes going to do MORE drugs after swearing on my life THAT HE WOULDNTD do any....so fucking STUPID, whatever tho, so then this morning, i called him i my math class, and i thought everyone as fine, but then when i got home, hes like lets go ahead and get this over with, so we OF COURSE agrue about it, when we didnt even need to talk about it in the first place, so long story short, he doesnt want anything to do with me, he wants to fuck other girls...and ya, bsically thats the end of the story
but today school was ok, i had subs in 2 classes, so we basically didnt do anything...the lil rams werent there today, cuz they dont come onf ridays, which is ok, i mean weget a plan period so thats cool, i guess, 6th period was a LOT less dramatic today...which is good, i guess chira and ava are ok now..hopefully, i talked to ava about the plans for tonight, but not infront of u know who...ill let you know wtf im talking about AFTER tonight, most of you already know, all my best friends will be there, but anyways...i dont know what we are doing after that more then likely going to the rest of the football game ad then GOD knows what, itll be fun, im excited for tonight....tomorrow im hanging out with a bunch of guys from boone with emilee, trying to get her to meet new guys....oook so anyways im out of here for now