55. you see the world in black and white not painted right

Aug 17, 2011 20:38

+ so hi hello I'm still here *waves* THIS POST IS VERY MUCH IMAGE HEAVY JSYK

+ LONDON WAS AMAZING. I think that's where I left off lol We had tons of fun, met DA DARVILL ♥ he's such a sweet awkward human being :3 and he wore the pheasant jumper. idk if you are aware of my feelings for this jumper but let's just say I have A LOT OF THEM.
We also went to the DW experience, and to Cardiff, and it was absolutely brilliant :3 pics under cut :D (yeah I'm the kinda girl who photoshops even her holidays pics, leave me alone)




#18 is obviously my office when I'll work there...............
#22/23/24 idk if you can tell but we had only one purpose when going to cardiff..... #22: millenium center, #23: you can see s1 team tardis eating at this restaurant in the same ep, #24: THE DINER FROM DW 601 which we found completely by chance :3
#25/26 is kakinou & I pimping our bear heads :3 post-dw experience and at the Shakespeare Globe :)

+ I am obsessed with x-men: first love class. I don't mean in a "aw I loved this movie let's move on" way, more like "LET'S WATCH IT 42 TIMES AND HUNT DOWN ALL THE GAY SUBTEXTS" kinda way. I CAN'T HELP IT OMG THE MCBENDER LOVEEEE~ I live tweeted the movie when I watched it because obviously I'm so witty some stuff needed to reach the world (fyi, it was 7am and I was seriously lacking sleep and I was already shipping mcavoy/fassbender with the power of a hundred suns so yeah) I'm planning on doing a Cherik fanmix JUST BECAUSE I CAN. slash is always the right way. I know we watched this movie right >:]

+ summer break is awesome. I've been doing _nothing_ besides tumblr/iconing/spamming. I. LOVE. IT. I might leave for Italy at the end of the month with my dad. I'm really looking forward to go but eh my dad and I can't go much more than 2 days before going at each other's throats so I'm a bit nervous about thatttt but I'll shut the brain down and enjoy the pretty.

+ I am loving the internet these days. now that I'm actually ~in the iconing world~ I am way less shy with talking to people and I've talked to some seriously awesome people *waves at new friends*. lol I think I should thank vetica for pushing me to be a member of 20insp :3 /random

+ tv-wise, I've started a few shows in the last few months. I watched the 10 eps of Switched at Birth in one night lol this show is SO QT!!! ugh seriously I died. SO MUCH KEYMASH. THIS SHOW IS ADORABLE AND AWESOME AND UGH. I've also started watching Adventure Time :3 and X-Files, from the beginning because when it was on tv on saturday nights when I was a kid, I was too chicken to watch anything after buffy lol 2 eps in and I can tell you one thing: MULDER DOES NOT GAZE AT SCULLY. NOPE~ I'm also caught up with Downton Abbey idk what took me so long to watch ittttt tho thanks tumblr for being obessive. I really like it now and just seriously, give me something to ship and I'LL BE ON THAT SHIT FASTER THAN SPEEDY GONZALES . I'm such a shipperrrr sigh. ANYWAY. so yeah it's good! TOOK ME LONG ENOUGH TSK.

irl: born in the wrong country, tv: best dad there is, (locked), fangirl: cant tame it, fangirl: doctor who owns my soul, tv: brits do it best, misc: the english own my soul, irl: must be english, badass: braintwin, fangirl: whole new level, irl: what to do with myself, geek: 42 answer to life etc, irl: braintwins in london, tv: doctor who, fangirl: squeeeeee, tv: keep calm & watch telly, irl: meeting awesome people, irl: !!!, irl: lolself, fangirl: i am it

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