I dreamed the world had all agreed to put an end to war.

Jan 12, 2006 08:27

1. Name:
-> Josh

2. Age:
-> 19

3. Religion:
-> Don't belong to an organized religion

4. Single or Taken?
-> taken

5. What does your name mean?
-> like i would know that.

6. Height:
-> 5'4 or 6'4, depending who you beleive.

7. Nickname:
-> joshy

8. Name of a childhood stuffed animal:
-> swifty


9. Phone:
-> motorolla?

10. Car:
-> toyota corola

11. Computer:
-> hp pavilian 771n

12. Living Situation:
-> well, i'm living still...that's a bonus.

13. Pet:
-> Jasmine, cuty, kitty, whatever you call her, it's my cat.


14. Speak another language?
-> not really, i can fake my way through spanish sometimes.

15. Play a musical instrument?
-> Guitar, piano, flute...learning some mandolin

16. Watch more than 2 hours of TV a day?
-> not really

17. Wear grandma underwear (gals):
-> No, I don't like grandma panties even if I was a girl

18. Own an I-pod?
-> no, i don't get those.

19. Have a will?
-> only when it feels like coming to visit me.


20. Worn underwear of the opposite sex?
-> no

21. Loved someone?
-> Yep

22. Smoked?
-> nope

23. Cried yourself to sleep?
-> not in a long time

24. Pulled an all nighter?
-> only once...but there was no point to it.

25. Been stalked ?
-> I don't think so, unless it's a really good stalker who hasn't been caught...yet.

26. Had more than 30 people at your house?
-> i don't think so, but, maybe

27. Watched a sunrise and sunset?
-> Yes

28. Been to Europe, and where did you go?
-> Not yet but London in June

29. Talked to a stranger thinking they were someone you knew?
-> no

30. Slept so long you forgot what day it was?
-> yeah, that's always scary

31. Been to a wedding in which you didn't think the two should get married?
-> no

32. Tripped or fell in public?
-> Of course, hasn't everyone?

33. Misspelled your own name?
-> i don't recall

WHAT DO YOU THINK ABOUT (answer in detail)?

34. United States military in the Middle East:
-> hell, i don't know. Yes there are some good reasons to be there and all, but i don't think i we went about it right. and if we had a president that told the truth, maybe we'd be alright....or at least the public wouldn't allow this to happen this way.

35. Gay Marriage:
-> Support! people who have a problem with it need to get a life. It's not hurting anyone like the above mentioned war is.

36. The Facebook:
-> The whatbook? i heard about it...no opinion.

37. Prayer in School:
-> Much like gay marraige, it's not hurting anybody, anyone who wants to pray can if they want. but if you want the entire class to pray like the class does the pledge of allegence...then no...don't make people do it.

38. Separation of Church/State:
-> Yes damn it. Our forfathers were very very smart people to do what they did. They did so much unimaginable shit back in the day, which was a wednesday by the way, and i agree with them here too.

39. Michael Jackson:
-> The new punch line to any joke. Think about it, it works for any joke. If you forget the punchline just say michael jackson. like, two jews walk into a bar...michael jackson. Or why did the chicken cross the road? Michael jackson. etc.

40. Our educational system:
-> HA! that's all i have to say...HA! it's laughable, as i proved...watch here it comes again...Ha Ha Ha!

41. Desperate Housewives:
-> never saw it

42. Myspace.com:
-> never used it.


43. Movie:
-> oh there are soooo many. I think Young Frankenstien would be one of my favorites.

44. Quote:
-> Oh so many, just about every entry i make is a quote from something or another.

45. Cartoon Character:
-> Bugs Bunny

46. Television Show:
-> Simpsons, Family Guy, Comedy Central Presents.

47. Food:
-> Pizza

48. Drink:
-> hmm...i dunno. tea!

49. Book:
-> Harry Potter

50. Sports Team:
-> Los Angeles Dodgers

51. Singer:
-> Paul Simon

52. Animal:
-> Cats and Dogs

53. Actor/actress:
-> Anthony Hopkins, Johnny Depp, Morgan Freeman


54. Love at first sight:
-> I do.

55. Angels:
-> meh, when the mood strikes me

56. The Devil:
-> not really

57. Ghosts:
-> yeah

58. Reincarnation:
-> Yeppers

59. Heaven:
-> When the mood strikes me.

60. Hell:
-> Not really

THIS OR THAT (c'mon, tell us why too)?

61. So Cal or Bay Area:
-> So Cal

62. Coke or Pepsi:
-> Depends on the mood, usually coke.

63. The Simpsons or Family Guy:
-> Simpsons of old, new simpsons episodes vs. family guy, family guy would win.

64. Chocolate or Vanilla
-> can't deside, you need both damn it.

65. Canada or Mexico:
-> Canada, They leave their doors unlocked...what a sense of security eh?

66. Reality TV or Reality:
-> Reality, Reality TV SHOULD DIE!

67. Al Pacino or Robert DeNiro:
-> Al Pacino, have you seen scent of a woman? Hoo-ah!

68. IBM or Apple:
-> IBM, macintosh sucks

69. Pro-life or Choice:
-> Pro-Choice. That's a woman's choice, not a comunities', not a governments', it's her choice and only hers.

70. Pro-death penalty or not:
-> an eye for an eye...

71. 80s or 90s:
-> 90s, i wasn't very coherent in the 80's

72. Greek or Roman:
-> Greek, philosphisors and democracy, cool beans

73. Reading or Writing:
-> Reading, i'm not big on the writing any more.

74. Single or Group Dates
-> never been on a group one really, so single i guess.

75. Photos or Paintings:
-> Paintings, while photos have their strong points, it's more amazing to me what some people can draw as opposed to what some people can take a picture of.

76. : Irish or Italian:
-> Italian, though i've never had Irish food...

77. Yankees or Redsox:
-> Yankees, come on, i'm from north jersey...what do you expect?

78. Nike or Reebok:
-> Doesn't matter

79. Dreadlocks or Afros:
-> Afros...cause they're funny cause they bounce around so much.

80. Britney Spears or Jessica Simpson:
-> uhh...eww, and eww. sure they're both attractive, but i couldn't get past who they are...eww.

81. Action or Horror:
-> Action

82. Bush or Kerry:
-> Kerry!

83. Tall or Short guys
-> Tall guys make me feel short.


84. Would you perform onstage in front of a million people?
-> hmm, it's only what i want to do someday...

85. Give up a body part for money?
-> no way

86. What ethnicity of the opposite sex do you think is most attractive?
-> I don't think it matters really.

87. Most attractive accent:
-> again, there are plenty.

88. What is your biggest pet peeve?

89. Most missed memory?
-> A time when things seemed simple

90. Pimp your ride, what would you do to it?
-> everything immaginable, that way it's the coolest car ever, then i can sell it for a lot of money and buy myself a new car.

91. Who would you meet from history?
-> Abbott & Costello

92. Travel anywhere in the world, where would you go?
-> everywhere

93. Meet a leader of some sort, political, religious, etc
-> Bush, with no secret service around for miles and miles and miles...

94. Have any dream job, what would it be:
-> Famous Actor, only reason i care about fame is because if your famous your more likely not to be a starving one

95. Have three wishes, what would they be?
-> Win the power ball at a few hundred million or whatever...have the world agree not to go to war anymore. and umm...well i'll save that last one up.

96. Where do you think you'll be in five years, location wise:
-> wherever the wind takes me.

97. Do you want to get married:
-> Yep

98. If you have kids, what would you name the boy and girl?
-> hell if i know...

99. If your spouse died, do you think you could remarry?
-> jesus, who the fuck knows...thank god that's over.
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