Apr 07, 2006 11:26
So I'm at the computer lab right now, waiting for it to be noon so I can have lunch with Sam. I'm ultra stuffy right now, and only slightly out of it, which is a vast improvement over yesterday's sleepy/headache/no voice/sore throat stuff that lasted all day. I slept well, but I feel bad because we were supposed to go out last night w/julia and some people, and my phone was out of batteries, and she didn't call till like 11:30pm. And it's very difficult to convince drunk people that you can't go out tonight. Hopefully I can see them all soon... I can't wait until this semester is over, the ADCC job is pretty taxing because it eats up 3 of my evenings a week since I never have any energy afterwards to put together plans.
Well, I'm off to Milwaukee this weekend for a haircut and hang out w/kailie and see the fams. Should I leave the bangs, or grow them out for the summer? I'm also thinking of growing out the length, like to my shoulders. But that would be really cute w/the bangs.
I intended to finish up a few jobs apps today during this time, but I don't really have the soundness of mind to write an essay on why I think land trusts are important. Both of them aren't due till next Fri. anyhoos.