of internships and frolicking

Apr 30, 2007 20:36

So just so everyone who doesn't read my journal anyways knows, I am alive and well. The end of the semester is tantalizingly close, though it might not be totally relaxing until I finish my current work project at the end of May and find an internship... whenever the stars align. I just finished applying for two more, but I'm pretty disappointed I missed the boat on this one on conservation best practices in construction. The post went up on Thursday and it's already been taken down?! damn that was fast! I really hope I find something flexible and well paying enough to do a little travelling.
Things are almost done though, like I said. One group project to finish up (almost done) and present on Wed., then nothing more due til next week: Demographics project due monday, Exam I will need to study lots for on Tues, do my mediation take home by Tues. and prepare to lead my mediation for that night, then my dempgraphics final and mediation paper due friday. Then the end of semester MURP parties can begin. But it's already winding down: this weekend was a much needed rest, and refreshing in that I for once got everything done I intended (group project stuff, which took most of Fri, Sat, and Sun afternoons, and a project which only took a few hours) and I still managed to have some adventures and stuff. Fri I went to a classmate's show in St. Paul, and Sat. Sam and I biked for groceries and BBQed, then Leigh and Mari called me out of the blue late Sat. night so we hung out til late. My stuff was wrapping up much faster than I anticipated on Sunday, so Sam and I went for a bike ride around Lake Calhoun which was awesome and felt really good. I'm glad I can bike now, since walking/running has been hurting my ankle the past few weeks. But if that's the worst thing going right now, I can handle it :D
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