Application for Witches Reign

Sep 16, 2011 15:10

Name: Shaun
Journal: shaungarin
Contact: Shaun Garin - AIM, drskirk - plurk

Character Name: Hibiki Houjou
Series: Suite Precure♪
Gender: Female
Age & Canon Point: 15, Episode 30
Requested Sponsor: Lapis Lazuli
Entry position (Cadet, SeeD, Instructor, other): Cadet
Garden History: (Only applicable to those applying an instructor; please include a brief summary as to how they spent their last year in Garden as they took classes and obtained their instructors license.)

Abilities & Physical Abnormalities: Hibiki bears the powers of a Precure. As Cure Melody, she has extremely heightened physical capabilities and energy throwing centered around musical powers with a high pain tolerance and durability. However she would be unable to access them without both her Fairy Tones and Kanade Minamino, her partner. In the event a Kanade is apped, these powers can become active since it requires Harmony Power to use (two working as one). Her Precure Henshin item should be on her person even in Garden, if only for nostalgia purposes since it is inactive without her partner.

Personality: (~300-500 minimum. Generally what we're looking for is things like main personality traits (positive or negative), flaws or expansion on negative personality traits, self-images, motivation/goals, beliefs/values, opinions/attitudes and quirks and mannerisms.)

Hibiki's personality can be best defined by her friendship with Kanade and her relationship with other people in her life. She is very outgoing and enjoys spending time with her friends, as well as eating food of all types, and playing sports. Her athletic ability has caused her to earn many admirers throughout her first year at Kanon's Junior High, and her energy level has always given her the chance to move forward in life. When faced with a difficult challenge, she often goes all out and "stakes her honor as a woman" on the outcome, and has little to back down from when the going gets tough.

However she is also very flawed as a character, such as being poor in academics of all kinds save for gym class, unable to cook properly which seems to be a family trait, gluttony, particularly for sweets and cakes, and initially a strong dislike for music. She also jumps to conclusions and has little ability to see the meaning behind any words that seem harsh at first. Being dependant on Kanade as well affects her personality, as they fought for most of the first year of their schooling due to a misunderstanding. She has a hard time letting go of things that were done wrong to her, but at the same time she also has a hard time admitting she was wrong as well.

In contrast to Kanade who is more high strung, Hibiki is very easy going. She is often trying to find the easy way out, and isn't adverse to using a shortcut when things get tough. Her relaxed stance on everything other than food and sports causes conflict with other people who observe her as a lazy slacker. Her academic score in the dumps, Hibiki gets immediately defensive when her flaws are pointed out, and then retreats in a very tsundere manner.

During the progression of the series, Hibiki also demonstrates rapid forgiveness for many people, including Ellen who was once their enemy. Even when disagreeing with Hummy that Ellen has changed this much to swap sides, she quickly warms up. Show her a hint of kindness and you are her friend for life. She is quick to judge, but also very quick to change her tone and find the goodness within. Like most Precure, when riled up, a yell of "Unforgivable!" usually prefaces violence, and Hibiki rushes in first to deliver the first blow, taking the lead. Often she forgets about teamwork when she's getting excited about something, but usually there's someone to reign her in when she goes all out.

Not overly concerned with anything other than sports, cake and having fun with friends, Hibiki hasn't demonstrated any attraction to guys, but is able to support her friends during moments when they're making fools of themselves in front of their crushes. Romantically she's not attached to anyone and prefers it that way, making sure that her friends and family are safe and sound first things first. Her relationship with her dad is a little rocky at best, but they are very close despite his quirks and her terrible language skills when he and her mother uses German and French. However she dearly loves her dad and mom, even if she fights with her mom all the time during webcam calls and the rare occasions when she visits the hometown.

In all, Hibiki is a fairly complex character with many aspects. Not overly deep upon first glance, you can soon discover that when she becomes your friend, she's your friend for life.

What are your plans for the character in-game? I'd like Hibiki to continue growing on her own, having to deal with the potential of never seeing Kanade again. As a person who is so reliant on Kanade as a friend, I'd like to explore her separation anxieties as well as feeling that she needs to be strong to make up for the absence of her other half.

Anything else? I'd like to bring 2 Fairy Tone (Pink tone Dory and Orange Tone Miry) with me as a NPC pet. The only ability it has that would be active, would be able to play music with the Cure Module. When played with Dory, the song heals the player's heart and allows her to dream.

If there is a Kanade, Dory serves as the transformation Fairy Tone for her to turn into Cure Melody, and Miry arms her Miracle Belltier weapon, along with Dory for the Miracle Heart Arpeggio attack. Solo, Miry allows her to use the Music Rondo attack.

Complete TWO out of the FOUR options.
i) Prose sample (can be general or a response to the post's prompt).
iii) Bracket/Commentspam RP sample (can be general or a response to the post's prompt).

!game: witches reign, !ooc: application

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