God is Dead

Aug 05, 2009 18:22

To a man who could always see the world fresh. Rest in Peace, Jesse.

God is dead. If there ever was an omnipotent being that looked down from on high as He created Man, Woman, Plant and Beast, He has died long ago. Lack of belief may have been the culprit as it has been for so many others. Or perhaps one day, He looked down and realized all that is wrong in this world and out of sorrow, took His own existence. Maybe He was killed. However it happened, I have found no other evidence except that God is dead.

When God could no longer answer me, lying six feet under a cloud or volcano or wherever we have decided to bury Him, I looked towards People for solace, for something to believe in. I am disgusted by what I see. Robotic shells hiding minds that are frozen in fear. Fear of touch, of intimacy, of winning, of losing it all just for one single moment. I pity you all.

When was the last time you stopped your car to help someone on the side of the road?

When was the last time you laughed and truly enjoyed a moment?

Have you noticed the sunset recently?

Have you counted the stars?

Have you danced to music that only you could hear with no care as to who was watching?

When was the last time you chased the horizon or the wind that flows upon it?

When was the last time you said, "Hello" to a stranger, just to do it with no hidden thought of getting something back?

I am disgusted by people and their selfish, pitiful desires.



Stop wishing.


Look - really look - at your surroundings and take pride at how the moment you blink, its an entirely new scene.

Don't try and recapture a moment, a feeling, a day. Live for the next one.

It's hard to dance like no one's watching.

It's hard to smile and really mean it.

God is dead.

When was the last time you felt alive?
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