Sep 14, 2007 02:02

Who: Murata and Mori
What: Studying.
Where: In the library.
When: Sunday.
Why: Because we're awesome. Obviously.

The library was completely empty as Murata approached the table where Mori was sitting. He felt nervous, causing him to smile a little wider than usual. He rested his hand on the back of Mori's chair and leaned forward to look at him. "Hi, Mori."

Mori looked up from the same sentence he had been pretending to read for the past half hour. He turned slightly to face Murata, still somewhat surprised he was there. "Hello."

Murata stood there for a second, then laughed. It seemed to help get rid of the nervousness temporarily. He pulled out a chair and sat down, his knees bumping Mori's slightly. "So... Gotten any work done?"

Sighing slightly, Mori turned over a page in his book. He could easily say that he had indeed been productive, but there wasn't really any point in lying. "Not especially."

Shifting in his chair, Murata looked at Mori; he reached over, beneath the table, fingertips just resting on Mori's knee. "Distracted?"

It took nearly all of Mori's concentration not to look down at Murata's hand. "A bit."

"I get distracted too sometimes," said Murata easily, his fingertips sliding down until his palm rested fully over Mori's knee. "Ahaha, to be honest, now that I'm here, I'm not sure how much work I'm actually going to get done..."

"I hope you didn't have anything too important," Mori replied, restraint leaving his voice barely above a whisper.

"No..." said Murata, his heartbeat speeding up a little. It was exciting, to be this close to Mori. "It really seems like no one's here today." He edged a little closer.

"Most of the students have private tutors." Mori began to slide his hand slowly down the table, towards Murata. He hesitated with his fingers on the edge. "No one really needs the library."

"I see," said Murata, glancing down at the movement of Mori's hand and smiling before looking back up. "Then if I kissed you, no one would see, right?"

Mori sat silently for a moment before finally meeting Murata's eyes. After finally determining that the other boy was actually serious, he replied. "No."

Murata hoped the shakiness he was beginning to feel wasn't viewable on his face. "Then can I?"

"...Yes." Mori was slightly surprised that Murata had thought he needed to ask.

Murata wondered if he'd been too awkward about asking, but figured it was polite, seeing as how he'd never done this before, in this lifetime. He leaned close and pressed his lips to Mori's softly.

Despite the somewhat uncomfortable position, Mori leaned into the kiss, angling his face slightly to give Murata better access. He still was unsure if this was quite the way to go about things, but at least it was a start.

Murata pulled back, bringing one hand to his lips and thinking. He stood, placing one hand on Mori's shoulder as he slipped one leg over Mori's lap, straddling him as chastely as possible. "This might work better...assuming you don't mind."

The sudden pressure on Mori's legs was unexpected, but hardly unwelcome. It was significantly easier than leaning to his side. Instead of answering his question, Mori moved forward to press his lips against Murata's again.

Mori's initiative surprised Murata, who slid his other hand up to Mori's shoulder, fingers hooking together behind Mori's neck. He closed his eyes, enjoying the feel of Mori's warm lips against his. He opened his mouth slightly, just parting his lips before kissing Mori again.

Mori was beginning to doubt Murata's claims about having no experience with anything like this before, but was hardly inclined to mention it. He moved his hands to Murata's waist, hoping that his back wasn't digging into the table.

If he hadn't already been blushing a little, he would have done so when he felt Mori's hands at his waist. He scooted forward on Mori's lap, liking it when more of their bodies touched. Even with as many memories as he'd had of previous lives, he had to say that it was infinitely better experiencing it first-hand; especially so with Mori, who felt warmer than anything Murata could remember.

Flinching slightly at the increased contact, Mori could feel his breath hitch. Although he knew he wouldn't really be able to disguise it, he pulled back anyway for a moment to distract Murata. "Can I take off your glasses?"

"Sure." Murata waited thoughtfully, trying to calm down. With his eyes open, this all seemed a little surreal: sitting on Mori's lap...kissing him. He slid his thumb along Mori's neckline gently, staring at the movement and avoiding Mori's eyes, suddenly a little afraid.

Mori placed both of his hands on the earpieces of Murata's glasses, and gently slid them off. Having an unobstructed view of the other boy's eyes for the first time, Mori could sense a new element of discomfort. "Is this okay?"

Murata blinked. At this short distance, his view of Mori was still fairly clear, even with his glasses off. "It's fine. Just nervous, ahaha.

"Mm." Mori nodded, wanting to be reassuring but unable to do so, as he was at least as nervous as Murata. He placed his hands back on Murata's sides, glasses still loosely clasped in his fingers.

Murata reached up, placing his palm hesitantly against Mori's cheek. He held it there for a few seconds before leaning in and kissing him softly. "I don't really know what I'm doing," he said quietly, looking at Mori.

Mori leaned into Murata's hand, and laughed briefly. "And you think I do?" He pressed a kiss to the side of Murata's mouth. "This seems to be working fairly well, though."

Murata smiled. "I might be mistaking quiet for confidence." He slid his hand lower, running one finger over Mori's lips. "You don't mind me sitting like this?"

"Not at all," Mori murmured, letting the tip of his tongue make contact with Murata's finger. "Are you comfortable?"

It took a moment for Murata to find his voice; he hadn't been expecting Mori to do something like that so easily. "Definitely comfortable." Murata leaned forward, resting his lips against Mori's briefly before closing his eyes and biting softly on Mori's lower lip.

Mori breathed in quickly, as he hadn't realized Murata would take such an action after expressing such nervousness. He also hadn't realized how pleasurable the sensation would be. He opened his mouth slightly, trying to convince Murata to continue.

Mori's breath was warm against Murata's mouth as he realised that either Mori was surprised by what he'd just done or interested...or both. Taking a chance it was the latter, Murata licked softly at the spot he'd just bitten before grazing his teeth against it, biting again - only a little harder this time.

Moaning softly into his mouth, Mori gripped his hands a bit tighter around Murata, pulling him closer. He knew it was somewhat unlike him to be acting like this, but he was far beyond caring at this point.

Enjoying the arms around him, Murata slid his arms back up and around Mori's neck, holding him more closely than before. While it was still true that he had no idea what he was doing, whatever he was managing to do seemed to be something Mori liked - and Murata really liked the way Mori sounded when that happened. His stomach tightened as he slipped his tongue against Mori's lips and into his mouth, retracting it after a few seconds in case he'd done something wrong.

Murata's tongue against his own was a welcome sensation, although his uncertainty was fairly clear as well. As he started to pull away, Mori followed by placing his tongue slightly in Murata's mouth, and by sliding his hand just beneath the fabric of Murata's shirt.

Mori's hand was firm, and felt good at his fingers slid easily against his skin. Murata slid his tongue against Mori's, mouth pressed against Mori's hungrily, yet still held-back. This was beginning to feel almost too good and he didn't want to scare Mori.

Mori ran his fingers across the smooth, warm skin of Murata's back, pleased that his action hadn't seemed to bother the other boy, or make him more nervous. He shifted, changing the angle of their kiss, and smiled softly at Murata's expression as their noses met awkwardly.

One thing that Murata was really beginning to like was the sweetness that was present in each of Mori's movements. He slid one hand down to Mori's chest, running his fingers just beneath it, before playing with the top button, unfastening it and pressing his hand fully to the bit of exposed skin.

Mori pressed his fingers a bit harder into Murata's back as he realized Murata was beginning to remove his shirt. His fingers were warm even against what Mori knew must have been the heat of his own skin, judging from his pulse.

As Mori's fingers pressed, Murata slid his palm lower, enjoying the way Mori felt beneath his hand. He shifted forward, intensifying their kiss as his fingers grasped at the edge of Mori's shirt.

Taking his other hand from where it had been resting on his waist, Mori started to run his fingers through Murata's hair. Realizing, however, that he still held his glasses in his hand, he reluctantly pulled back slightly from the kiss. "Should I put these on the table?" he muttered, mostly against Murata's lips.

Mori's breath felt strangely intimate against Murata's lips. "Here." He smiled and turned his head just a little, taking his glasses from Mori's hand and placing them gently on the table behind him. Blinking a little, he straightened as he moved his hands up Mori's chest, watching him thoughtfully.

Slightly confused by Murata's expression, Mori decided against leaning forward to kiss him again. Instead, he placed his newly freed hand into Murata's hair, which was surprisingly soft - especially in comparison to his own, and smiled softly.

"I use my mom's shampoo," said Murata, grinning. Mori's fingers felt gentle and he leaned his head slightly, into the touch. He wrapped his arms around Mori's neck and kissed him softly on the cheek.

As soon as Murata touched his lips to his cheek, Mori tilted his head to kiss him properly. Murata's arms around his neck again felt more comfortable than he would have expected.

Murata started when Mori's lips pressed to his before he relaxed, mouth opening to slip his tongue against Mori's lips.

Mori opened his lips to allow Murata better access, pleased that Murata still seemed to be enjoying himself. Mori's hand left his hair and joined his other one on Murata's back, lifting his shirt and gently caressing his shoulders.

Murata felt his body warming under Mori's touch and he moaned quietly in appreciation. He slid one arm from where it lay around Mori's neck, resting his fingertips against Mori's neck for a few short moments before rubbing back and forth against the skin there.

Evidently, the skin at the base of Mori's neck was more sensitive than he had known. He flinched at the more or less ticklish sensation of Murata's fingers on his skin, trying not to break their kiss. Preventing Murata from making a sound like that again was not something Mori wanted to do.

Murata noticed the flinch and slipped his fingers more gently along the line of Mori's neck, trailing further down until he was back at his chest. He exhaled into Mori's mouth as he fumbled with one more button, hand resting low against Mori's stomach.

Although he had closed his eyes to kiss Murata, Mori was having difficulty not opening them to watch as Murata ran his fingers between the buttons of his shirt, slowly undoing another one. Momentarily at a loss of how to reciprocate, Mori then moved a hand from Murata's back to his stomach.

Murata pulled away slightly, kissing Mori once before resting his forehead against Mori's, his fingertips tracing faint lines down his chest, trying to clam his own breathing. Too much more of this and he would either need to excuse himself or clumsily proposition Mori and he wasn't sure he was ready for either option. "I like the way you feel," he said quietly, thumb pressing at the spot just above Mori's belly button.

Mori murmured in agreement, certain that any verbal comment would sound redundant and unnecessary. He also was doubting if his ability to form words properly with Murata's hands like that on his stomach. He ran his own thumb between Murata's ribs, unsure of what else to do.

Murata leaned in closer until his cheek was next to Mori's, he lowered his head slowly, until his lips met Mori's neck. He kissed, then kissed again, then began to suck lightly, wondering if this really felt as good as his memories told him.

At first, the moist sensation of Murata's lips on Mori's neck was bizarre. As he started to add pressure, though, Mori had to stop himself from pressing forward into Murata, or really from shifting in his chair at all.

Murata's mouth began to move more vigorously, teeth biting down every so often. His left hand came to rest at Mori's shoulder, kneading the skin gently.

Mori could feel his breath getting faster every time Murata's teeth made contact with his skin. The added contact on his shoulder was enough to make Mori rock his hips upward slightly.

It took a few moments for Murata to realise that Mori was moving - towards him, their bodies rubbing vaguely. Murata, blushing, continued as he was, body pushing downward, back against Mori. His hold on Mori's shoulder tightened, anticipation tense through his body.

Blushing in mortification, it took Mori a few seconds to notice that his lack of restraint had not scared Murata away, and instead seemed to be encouraging him, if the continued pressure on his neck was any indication. Moving his hands back towards Murata's hips for better leverage, Mori moved forward again, a bit harder, and more deliberate.

Murata could not hear much but his own heartbeat as he moved against Mori, the sensation of their bodies rubbing so close together making it difficult to think of much more than continuing. He struggled a little to keeps his lips pressed firm against Mori's neck as he pushed his hips forward, the feeling in his stomach tightening.

Mori groaned as Murata somehow managed to grind his hips down onto Mori's lap and simultaneously continued to suck on his neck. Mori was able to do little else aside from push his hips forward again.

Murata began to have difficulty concentrating on anything but Mori's hands, growing tighter at his waist as they moved together. He bit down, hard, trying to stifle himself from moaning.

Mori winced slightly at Murata's bite against his neck, but did his best to restrain himself from doing anything that would discourage Murata from continuing. He glanced away to where his hands were gripping Murata's hips, and did his best to loosen his hold. Mori didn't want the other boy to have bruises, after all, but it was difficult to do this while still pressing his own hips upwards.

Murata lifted his lips from Mori's neck, exhaling against it. He laughed quietly. "Sorry, was that too much?" Leaning down, he kissed the spot he'd just bitten. He rocked his hips forward once. "It's a little hard not to get carried away."

Arching an eyebrow, Mori muttered "It's fine." He was going to continue trying to convince Murata that everything was alright, but the other boy didn't seem particularly concerned. Then, as Murata moved again, Mori was only concentrated on biting his own lip hard enough to stop himself from moaning too loudly.

Murata continued, enjoying the way Mori's body seemed to stiffen beneath his. His pulse quickened and his thrusts downward became slightly rougher as desire bubbled with him to keep going. "More, I'm..." Murata closed his eyes tighter. "I'm close to..." His hips pushed down faster.

Eyes widening a bit in surprise - despite everything, he still hadn't realized he could have this sort of effect on anyone - Mori nevertheless followed Murata's request and moved faster, and harder, realizing that his own body was certainly not protesting the change in pace.

Murata held on to Mori's neck, knowing he was making sounds that would have embarrassed him at any other time and not caring. Mori was firm and warm and sweet beneath him. He rested his cheek against Mori's. "Mori..."

Murata's cheek against his own was hot and soft, and the vibration of his own name against his skin was enough to make Mori pull Murata onto him far harder than he had intended. "Murata..." The name was almost too long for a single, almost panting breath.

Murata hadn't expected to be pulled so close so fast and he moaned, his whole body tensing. He liked the way Mori felt against him, beneath him, around him. "I'm...Mori, I'm..." Murata fell forward, forehead leaning against Mori's shoulder as his body shook with release.

Taking a hand off of Murata's waist and moving it to his back, Mori could feel all of Murata's muscles clenching as he came against him. The sensation was almost overwhelming, and Mori had only thrust upwards one more time before climaxing himself, still clutching Murata against him.

Murata breathed out, feeling shaky and suddenly shy. He slid his palm against Mori's neck, fingers running softly through Mori's hair. After a few seconds, he raised his head, kissing Mori gently on the cheek, not pulling away. "That was...ahaha. Unexpected."

Mori inclined his head, but not enough to break contact with Murata. "Yes." He skimmed his fingers absently along Murata's thigh. "That's...alright?"

Murata nuzzled Mori's cheek lazily. The hand at his thigh felt good. "Yes." He traced thin lines across Mori's neck. "Was it too sudden?" he asked quietly.

Mori replied "No" before he processed the full implications of the question. Perhaps he had pushed the other boy too quickly, used his own eagerness to take things too far. "Was it...for you?"

Murata pulled back, enough to look into Mori's eyes. He raised one hand to Mori's forehead, fingertips brushing along Mori's hairline. "Ahaha, no." He smiled. "I just didn't want to scare you."

Mori sighed, mostly in relief. "It's a bit more difficult to do that." Murata's fingers felt surprisingly cool against his forehead.

"Is it? I'll keep that in mind." Murata leaned close, shifting up a little to kiss Mori on the forehead. "So you...enjoyed it?" he asked, only half-joking in his question.

"You have to ask?"

"Well...I was a little preoccupied," answered Murata, smiling. He lowered his hands to Mori's shoulders, watching Mori's eyes. "I just wanted to make sure," he said, a little uncertainly.

Sensing Murata's remaining insecurity, Mori smiled and said more seriously, "Yes, I enjoyed it." He encircled his arms around Murata's waist, in a loose sort of hug.

Mori's voice was fast becoming one of Murata's favourite things to hear. The arms around his waist made him feel strangely sated - almost more than what they'd actually just done. "Ahh, Mori," he said, blushing. "I...think maybe we should stop by the restroom soon, ahaha."

Mori took a passing glance down at their clothes, and flushed. "Ah. Perhaps."

Murata ran his fingers along Mori's jaw. "The offer for ice cream after still stands," he said, shifting lightly off of Mori's waist. He reached with one hand for Mori's, smiling.

Mori clasped Murata's hand, returning his smile. "I'd like that."

Murata's heartbeat sped up once more, this time in an altogether different way. He squeezed Mori's hand within his own, face hot and red as he carefully pulled Mori closer; standing on tiptoe, he kissed him once more before leaning down to collect his bag with one hand, not wanting to let go.

Taking his own bag and tossing it over his shoulder, Mori kept Murata's hand clasped within his own. Then, he reached for the glasses he had almost forgotten on the table. He held them out to Murata. "I think you need these."

"You're so helpful," said Murata, letting his fingers close over Mori's for a few short seconds before taking his glasses and situation them back on his nose. His heart was still beating quickly, and he wondered to himself if that was normal. "Should we...go?"

"Most likely." Mori leaned over slightly to push Murata's glasses more correctly onto his nose.

Murata blinked at the gesture, smiling up at Mori. He looked at him, eyes serious. "It's going to be too easy to fall for you." Gently, he tugged at Mori's arm, urging him down the steps and outside. "I hope you like Mint Chocolate Chip as much as I do."

Mori trailed after Murata out of the library. "I'm sure I'll manage." Mori still wasn't sure what Murata had meant before, but didn't question him.

Murata smiled into the semi-darkness, glad of the fingers threaded within his own - of the tall figure next to him, solid and dark and warm. "I'm sure you will, too," he said softly, listening as their steps echoed down the empty hall.
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