2 Drabbles - Twilight

Mar 31, 2009 03:33

Title: Stolen Souls
Challenge: Religion
Rating: PG
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Sam/Leah
Warnings: None
Author's Notes: Drabble #1

The day she turned wolf and finally understood why Sam left her, she raged at the skies, she cursed fate and destiny and imprinting. She wanted to run to Sam and shake him until he woke up, because he wasn't in love with Emily, he didn't choose her. He had his will taken from him, shackled to Emily and it was wrong. It was against God and true love and choice.

He had his soul stolen, his love ripped from her to Emily and it wasn't right.

It was against all things that made loving someone beautiful. It wasn't real.

Title: Goddess Among Humans
Challenge: Religion
Rating: PG
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Tanya
Warnings: None
Author's Notes: Drabble #2

Tanya didn't believe in a higher power. It was the main reason why she didn't wish to ever be human again, like Rosalie, or brood over her 'lost soul' like Edward.

She was a vampire, strong and fast and beautiful. She chose not to drink human blood, she chose to live in Alaska with her clan, she chose to play with human males because they were warm and predictable and weaker than her.

They made her feel desirable when Edward rejected her, more skilled and talented when she beat them at games of the mind and body.

She was their Goddess.


Thanks for reading! Let me know what you think! All feedback is appreciated. :D

character: tanya, fic: drabbles, fandom: twilight, pairing: sam/leah

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