Oh Goodness, Oh MY!

Mar 20, 2012 16:01

So excited!! It's the bff's birthday!!!


Ahhhh, 23. Such a lovely number. We're the same age again, it always throws me off since I'm technically older than her. But for a few months out of the year, we are the same age. Omgosh it used to bother me so much because she's so much more accomplished than me and I always feared someone would be like, "Uh, she's younger than you but she's so much better!" I'd have to punch someone.

But at this point, there's no denying it! LOL.It's so true.

I mean she started taking college classes in HS when I was trying my best not to fail. lol. She graduated in the top 10% of her class, had scholarships, took Chinese (which I doubt she remembers, haha), did a study abroad in England and did an internship in Austin. AND THEN SHE GRADUATED A SEMESTER EARLY!!! *headdesk* I could never. Now she's weeks from getting her second Bachelors and getting married at the end of May.

But I don't feel jealous or sad over any of it, I am so proud of her. I look forward to all the amazing things she will do. Getting married, getting her Masters. And I look forward to being an Aunt (in the future of course!)!!!

We've been friends for nearing 8 years or so and been best friends for most of those. I can't imagine a better person to be my bff and I wouldn't want anyone else in that role. And even when she gets married and I no longer have that position we will still be great friends. She'll still be my confidante. We will still jam out to our Japanese music and talk about all the geeky things we like.

Anyway, just wanted to come on here and tell her happy birthday.

I'm almost positive she will not see this. LOL. She's too busy working hard get that second degree!!! Get that education!!! <33333

she be teh best friend, chelsea, omg i do nothing with my life, proud feelings right now, happy birthday

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