Feb 20, 2009 09:47
Lately I've had dreams-o-rama... including:
I had an affair with President Obama... DONT ASK I DONT KNOW lol but I apparently went there to see his speech and he pulled me aside and I went with him everywhere (and had his KID!) and then one day he just stopped talking to me and secret service wouldn't let me near him and they tried to arrest me but I was pregnant with his second kid and they sterilized me :( lol. they also tried to take away this beautiful diamond necklace that he had given me but i didnt let them, i had hidden it in a ball pit (like those in the macdonalds playpen thing but it was not a kid playing area)
(Obviously I'm short-forming these dreams)
I was also being chased by these men who were actually glowing a light blue and I had to protect someone (i dont even remember if it was a man or woman) but we ran down the subway stairs and the one heading North on Yonge was just leaving so we ran to try to jump into the one heading south, and i mean the subway doors dont even close the train just pulls away so we missed that one and then around the corner there was another one heading north somehow so we jumped onto that one and it was a 3 level subway with slants to walk up between levels but all the levels were so short you had to crouch anywhere you went. so i was stuck on one of the slants between the first and second level right by the unclosing door lol talk about unsafe. but by chance the doors on the one side closed and thats the side that those blue men in suits caught up and they were RUNNING along side the subway and shooting arrows into the subway but they all got stuck in the door, they were beautiful arrows... very nicely crafted, reminds me of something Legolas would have. so at the next stop which was apparently right by a suburb residential street i got out but told the person i was with to stay because for some reason the blue ppl (aliens) were only after me. so i ran through the street and i knew they could catch up by running and i hopped over fences that were the tall ones, at first i had trouble with it but then i just thought i can do this and i started hopping right over them but it tired me out so i knew i couldnt run much anymore and then i saw a carcoming , Speeding and i thought oh god its them so i ran into the forest (winter so the trees were bare) and i started climbing this one big tree like a black bear would (meaning i just was like partly wrapped around it i didnt have any branches to grab yet) then i got near the crown of the tree and i got onto the branches but they were dangerous to stay on because right where the branch joined the body of the tree it was like a joint (did anyone have the gymnastic barbie??? or even just think of Kens legs... the joint where his leg is joined to his hip and you just just kinda turn his leg any which way lol.. well that was these branches) and i remember thinking OH FUCK OH FUCK OH FUCK cause now i'm trapped up in a fucking tree. and i looked around but couldnt see anyone and then i saw one of the blue guys moving Quickly up the tree then i woke up
i played dodgeball in the skydome... imagine crawling around the seats trying to stay hidden while there are tons of ppl in the middle trying to hit you.. i almost got my hair stuck on gum lol
after the dodgeball game i went home and there was this guy there but i dont know who he was but in my dream i guess i did because he just ..we started going at it, in my downstairs bathroom, he lifted me up against the wall and everything and ya... lol you can fill in the blanks. and right after i was like omg what have i done? but it honestly felt like i couldnt stop it
aw damn now i've forgotten last nights i was going to add that in but oh well maybe later lol
the weirdest one was def the pres obama one lol LIKE UH WTF? I think that one was influenced because i had fallen asleep on the couch while watching the news which was talking about all the preperations going on to welcome him to canada lol